Active class 60 non season of mastery server?

I just logged into faerlina horder on classic and there wasn’t a soul there. AH is empty. are there any active servers?

Not really, no.

wow that stinks lol so it’s all tbc now?

It’s pretty much SoM now. TBC is just loggers and endgame so that train is missed otherwise.

meh oh well been there done that anyways was looking for something different other than SL. SL sucks terribly.

I understand there is at least one Era server (or cross realm set of servers) that is still raiding and doing high lvl dungeons.

I am slowly leveling 2 toons on a largely deserted Era server just to see how long that takes, and have 3 toons on a TBCC server tgat still occasionally has enough players to do 1-60 dungeons, but it is sketchy.

Most TBCC players are 65+ in Outlands.

This is exactly why Blizz needs to really really market to get a brand new influx of players to play in ERA, TBCC or in SoM … to rebuild social guilds abd not just raiding guilds.

The classic Era realm Faerlina is now conncted with 4 additional Era realms: Benediction/Heartseeker/Incendius/Netherwind. There are no known alliance players active in this server cluster however the Horde is still actively leveling/raiding. Tonight we forged Thunderfury for a guildy, perhaps a World First for Era!

All Classic Era servers are joined for battlegrounds and the scheduled days for that are Friday&Saturday. Our guild raids on mondays and wednesdays. Reach out in game chat if you’d like to know more.

My goals in TBC were mostly to participate in PvP. I was gonna hit batglegrounds pretty hard and play around with arenas. Unfortunately, the player base wasn’t interested in actually playing the game. It’s all about “max honor per hour.” Essentially, players wanted an easy win. They’d give up at the alightest setback.

Sure, there were some really fun matches… But it seemed like a lot of olayers didn’t have the heart to play.

I also had intentions of leveling alts and professions. This wasn’t all that much fun, either. Any resource needed was usually heavily camped.

In the end, things are way too sweaty. Too much focus on being “optimal” and not enough on “having fun.”

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Pagle is active Alliance side.

Era battlegrounds are really fun. It is sad that the only games to be found are running just two evenings a week. Still, everyone plays hard. If you miss good battles, you owe it to yourself to try Era out.

Maybe… My era toon is essentially abandoned.