Active Authentication Issues 11/28

About 14 world sever down messages, stuck on loading screen at 100% now for almost half an hour.


I logged in, selected character, and now I’ve been stuck on a loading screen for like 15 minutes.


I got all the way to the dragon Isles got three quests killed to proto dragons and got booted with world server down message


I got back in after 1 hr 25 min of trying only to get kicked back out when I tried ti take Zepplin to Waking Isles. Now cant get in again!

I shoulda stayed asleep

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I am going back to sleep. Night!

If you get on your flying mount you can jump on the zeppelin after it leaves the dock and zone in to DF. Maybe it works the same for Alliance?

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What about the missing boats/zepps and portals that don’t work? Is that also being worked on?


I post on a Horde, I (mostly) play alliance.

Funny cause every time they get some hype back they destroy it up with a horrible launch experience


So yall gonna fix the portals and boat? xD

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they just took our portal away. it wasn’t functional anyway, but still…

They probably use something like a primary refresh token where every time you zone your account object is updated with a hash.

I think it was a bad idea anyway since you have to take the boat for the quests to continue. Someone said they hit a dead end and had to return to capital city anyway.

Streamer are probably having no trouble getting in…they’ll get the servers 1st achievment


I don’t understand why my bank characters in SW have no problem getting in but I cannot get into the lvl 60s just sitting a by the docks at all.

we better be getting game time for this you bunch of hacks

Just think, another 6-7 days, and we’ll beat WoD’s record for longest wait for an xpac.


Send me your address, I will personally send you the .15 cents you deserve from the lost time.

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I finally got in, can’t use port in Oribos because too many people on top of it. Tried Portal to Moonglade and the loading screen is stuck.