Actions Taken to Address Exploitative Gameplay

Yesterday i got banned for RMT cuz i buyed wow tokens and sold them to AH the i used gold to buy m20 dungeons. So whats the point of selling wow token if we can’t use it cuz u bann people randomly for RMT?

With all due respect, why do it like this? Why not do it “boots on the ground”?

The automated way of detecting them with software and then banning them in a wave is futile, why don’t you just do it the oldschool way? The game was never as pure as when you had actual GMs.

I know for a fact I could, and would if given the opportunity, ban way more bots and clean up the server way more than you guys could. HIRE GMS.

Do you know how easy it would be to end this? All I’d have to do is /who spam near the entrance portal and find the names of the mages that I suspected to be flying under the map to the ZG portal, and then ban them as soon as I target and get them.

Then i’d just hang outside of purple mara and watch as the bot mages go in and out all day and ban them too. I’d swing by Dire Maul after that. etc.

It’s not hard to discern who is a gold selling bot/who is a noob. Anyone who has actually played WoW can make the distinction quite easily. I could even identify them based on a still image of their gear with about 75% accuracy id say. I know most know what I’m talking about.

If a false positive goes out, just have them appeal and reinstate it. Then you can do all the nitty gritty inspection on their accounts.

If you had ONE dude, just ONE post up on whitemane at maradon and do that you would see insane results.

I’m not sure if you guys really want them gone though or just buying more accounts.

Start a player vigilante system where you give soft-moderation privileges to people who can mostly be proven to be trusted.

Make my sub free and give me a tool to softban/open bots to review and ban me if I abuse it.

I’ve given well over $2,500 in sub fees since I’ve been playing. I guarantee you could recruit people that would ban bots on the side if you would.

Sure doesn’t seem like you are doing anything about it.

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Or what if just hear me out here you get a GOOD anti-cheat system that bans right away when people fly/teleport hack in your game not 4 months later?


Just figured I’d let you guys know you still suck at dealing with bots.


Your feedback on this issue of exploitable free transfers would be welcome.

My most recent
TWIW: This Week in WoW: August 28, 2023 - #13 by Despitebeing-incendius

Always on it for sure

Probably because most people don’t have a problem with the 30 instance limit. Just a very vocal minority, flipping between their alt accts.

Please, I beg of you, don’t even think for a second to add WoW tokens to classic era… please…

Ban waves allow bots to accomplish what they set out to accomplish. A gold farmer is able to farm all the gold they need before they are hit with a ban wave. After being hit with a ban they simply hop onto another account and bot for months until the next ban wave. Blizzard is no closer to stopping botting today than they were 15 years ago.

Gold farming is still going on servers. Arugal has maybe 300 characters playing, of which 90% are mages farming dungeons. Kill the free transfers please!!! We want players playing, not gold farmers.

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come on Blizz … stop the gold farming, free transfer rubbish

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Just reported a player on Arugal after watching many, many players fly hacking through a tree behind White’s Hope Chapel (14 Sept 2023 9:20pm)
Stratholme (and Dire Maul) has 50+ mages in it all of whom seem to be botting/hacking/gold farming and exploiting free transfers to move gold across to other servers. Arugal has perhaps 10-15 real players and hundreds of these bots/hackers/gold farmers.

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They would never ban monthly…they let these bots cook for at least a month or long enough they can’t get refunded for their subscription. 74,000 x 15 = 1.1 Million…blizzard eating off bots alone

Come on Blizzard this is getting beyond a joke and there is a straightforward fix. Nearly every player in Stratholme and Dire Maul are fly hacking and abusing free transfers to redirect gold. Why do I need to stand behind Lights Hope Chapel and manually report players day in, day out , in the hope you ban them, when it is so obvious. Get someone to go there, press record and simply ban them while watching the replay. In an hour or two, you will have fixed the issue for a month until the bots have relevelled (painful for them). Rinse and repeat. Please!

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I’m afraid you care about this much more than Blizzard does, friend. You’re likely wasting your time reporting these bots.

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If the bots keep growing on Arugal, a dead server will have lag and a queue shortly.

Been reporting bots and hackers hard. Getting lots of mailed thanks from Blizzard, but obviously hardly any are getting banned. They are in huge numbers on Arugal and a simple closure of free transfers would fix it immediately.

Hmmmm I must be annoying the GM’s. The character I have sat at Light’s Hope Chapel reporting bots and hackers left, right and centre cannot log in now. I can log in on all other characters but this one stalls on the loading screen.
Perhaps they are sick of me reporting so often… is it too much hassle and work for them?

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You should pop over to the Customer Support forum and ask them.