Actions Taken Against Gallywix And Gold Selling

Still a pretty big loss for the boosting community, I think that’s undeniable.

gallywix had over 60k people in their discord. so yes.

My biggest interest is what name their replacement will choose lol.

While I agree, I think the blue post needed to clarify better. There’s a communication barrier here.

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Basicly it’s dead, move on and find another one if you can’t live without a boosting community. But it might happen again, so be careful with who you deal with :man_shrugging: Bigger community means bigger risk.

i swear to god if i get banned for doing boosts for gold which are not against tos i will literally be very mad


this wont happen and people who are worried that this will happen make it seem like they are hiding the fact that they RMT

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Huokan Community is all over my server, I imagine many will move to them now than Gallywix is axed.

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A transaction is the instance of buying a service. One buys the service at the time of payment with a predetermined currency, with a prescribed date of completion. By offering up services prior to payment, you are deferring the transaction to a later date. Therefore, if you accept payment, i.e., engage in a transaction, from an individual associated with the Gallywix organization, you are at risk for the banhammer.

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I’d still watch myself out, more if they don’t pay you as soon as the carry is done that’s always something that can be worrying or if you don’t know who is doing the sale and how he’s doing it.

Not always. Just as I linked to the other person:

'It is still a transaction if the goods are exchanged at one time, and the money at another. This is known as a two-part transaction: part one is giving the money, part two is receiving the goods. ’

Taken from a page on financial transactions. It can also mean simply a sale even if they are done at two different times.

But of course, it can mean what you’re saying it means too. It can mean either. I’m not sure why it’s such a point of contention that the post is unclear.

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So, gold selling is bad, and selling runs for gold is bad, but I can buy tokens from Blizzard and sell them, for gold, on the AH. It even facilitates my ability to do so by not letting me select a price for the token.

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Using your words, two-part transaction. The transaction is still taking place when the payment is being sent AFTER services rendered.

I don’t really get what the problem with rmt is. Only difference to ingame gold is that Blizzard doesn’t get a cut from token sale.

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Dumbest comment i’ve read to date.


gold selling is against ToS/EULA. selling runs for gold is not against ToS/EULA’

whether you think its bad or not is completely subjective

That’s true.

Still, there needs to be clarification on if they mean transactions as in sales or transactions as in the entire process including payments because Gallywix already has all the gold from buyers that is owed to the majority of boosters who never did anything against the ToS.


That would be asking Blizzard to do something. And it is pretty clear that there is only a problem if you’re trading in real money. Otherwise, Blizzard has no remote concern over your “owed gold”.

This is precisely how fake news starts. Where did you get any of this information from? I would absolutely love to know how you read an SFA’s post about a multi-national ban-wave and came to the conclusion that it was the result of “one or two people” breaking rules.


I get that. I’m asking how buying tokens from Blizzard, and being able to sell them on the AH, for one price only, for gold. How is that not Blizzard selling me gold? They’ve just used a straw token. Because that’s how I get gold. Blizzard sells me about 140k for $20 USD.

Trumpknight talking about “fake news”?! I’ve now seen everything WOW has to offer.