Actions Taken Against Exploitation -- July 1 Update

I have seen a big difference on my server :+1: I notice less BOTS around. There are still some but ill go report them all

I’ve seen the opposite on my server. I’ve never seen so many bots leveling up in the world and in dungeons. Yesterday I was at SM and saw at least 40-50 late at night. They run as multiboxers with garbled names and no guild. If you /who sm or zf late at night you will see tons of botters. Pretty obvious when their names are AfdsioSlf

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Thats lame. Blizz needs to give your server some love… In places players don’t usually go to there are still a lot of bots but in places like arathi highlands there are noticeably less.

Yeah there are some pretty obscure places where bots will farm. I’ve seen tons killing turtles in the hinterlands (assuming for golden pearls). Winterspring is crawling with bots late at night. Arathi highlands at the elementals (not fire or earth). Out in tanaris just killing any mob that gets close. It’s pretty ridiculous. Yet, the players get punished with the 30 instance cap because of it. It’s all leading to the wow token. They’ll sell it as a cure for bots and the economy will be so inflated that you’ll basically be forced to buy gold from Blizzard to keep up.

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Now unlock Faerlina.

So why do u even ban bots when according to your GMs buying gold is allowed anyways?

GM confirming it is legal:
X__I have just confirmed with A GM that trading Retail Gold for Classic is allowed - #63 by Perl-anetheron


Couple hundred Goldsellers in official forums, for months on end, no bans ever:

Everyone sleeping on all their guildies buying gold. Who cares about bots the damage is already done. You’re ignorant to think you can save classic’s economy when players silently buy gold in the background. Also gold farmers raid in your guilds by the way…lulz

This is bogus because Classic doesn’t have GMs.

So why are there people in the official forums doing it every single day?


Cause people like you are dumb and don’t realize forums aren’t moderated either, lol.

Keep banning them!

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Randy! I spotted and reported numerous troll hunter bots apparently skinning beasts around Crossroads in the Barrens just the other day, as well as one troll fishing bot at the Forgotten Pools in the Barrens. How is it, I wonder, that these things can’t be detected and eliminated sooner? Why does it seem to take human reporting for them to be eliminated? It especially surprises me that they are apparently so successful this many years on and that Blizzard has not found a way to shut them down almost immediately. Hell’s bells, they are blazingly obvious to me when I spot them, they behave to mechanically. Is there not something about their action inputs that should tip you off instantly? Have the botters really made their software so hard to detect?

Legit question

I do that just to transfer gold to a different account I pay for.
It stands out on the neutral AH.

Only took you until AQ to address the issue

you are right man,also late night they will be in starter zones and will just spam frostbolt repeatedly

I’m afraid you are right,but If wow token comes,it’s over…

Because botting is sophisticated now. Highly user friendly, as in a potato could bot nowadays.

The problem is that there is no IN GAME support as in GM’s anymore. Not full time GM’s that are actively searching out these botters.

They’re banning off reports though. They will send in game mail to tell you that your report led to a ban.

The main problem is first and second time offense are leading to Suspensions a lot of the time and not permanent bans on that account.

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Right. Obviously it is not enough when they do that. The bot problem actually kind of drove me to quit Classic for a while, it was so bad. I don’t want to pay a monthly fee to do what their paid staff should be doing with regard to finding and getting rid of bots, and I don’t want to play in such a poorly managed game.

Things seem better at the moment, having just come back about a year later. I don’t know if I dare hope for it to remain better.

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Quite the epic necro there sir.