Achievements not being awarded

a friend of mine came back after a few years of afk
we played a few arenas, we got 1550 and achiev didnt pop
is anything else with the same issue?


Right now achievements are buggy as all hell. Several of them are so I wouldn’t really be going out of my way to make an accurate list, just know things are tracking like absolute garbage. I got a pvp achievement from IOC when I swapped back to Horde last night and haven’t even been in IoC in months!

Trampoline in hyjal doesn’t work
Tol barad demo credit doesn’t work
Amount of gold earned in general isn’t correct
Positive there are many many many more.


yes i just got the 1550 achievment tonight and its not being awarded. I opened a ticket about it. Has your issue been resolved?

Same here, just get 1550 in 2s, but nothing happened

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