[A]<ChaosTheory> 7/10H RLead LF HEALS AND DPS Mythic Roster

join the party

Join these pumpers :mountain:

lfm to kill stuff and get loots

Hey I’m currently 8/10M warrior (horde but will switch to alliance/stormrage this week) I’m just looking for a chill group to play around with.
Current toons are
Warrior (225 fury/arms 223 prot) -> Main
DK (222 frost /221 blood)
Monk (223 Brew/221 WW / 219 MW)

I have other toons that are around 210 but those are more for fun maybe next tier I can play them seriously but atm focusing on above three.
I can play each spec noted above at a decent level. If interested bnet is

Hey! It’s the goofy goobers, or the goofin bootin squad or … ah screw it just a great squad about to down Mythic Artificer!

Yo, not sure how easy it is to find responses in the long list of comments, so just in case no one has gotten back to you, here is a link to our full guild recruitment post for additional info about our entire guild: [A] Stormrage-ChaosTheory2Teams&M+7/10M - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com).

You can reach out on discord to our GM at Solemn#8227 or if you are just interested in this specific raid team hit up this teams raid leader on discord at CarelessCarnage#1704. Either of them can talk to you and help you find a home with us.

Bumpity bump~

Multiple 2k players pushing keys almost every night. Lots of people getting KSM too. If you’re looking for a fun community this is it!

Mythic progression? Check.
Heroic community raid? Check.
High keys and KSM? Check.
Friendly vibes? Check.
Amazing person reading this message? Check.
(Yes, that’s you! Come and pump with us!)

Come get 6/10 with us!

On the verge of 6/10, come join!

Bumpers, erm i mean pumpers

Le pumpers unite :mountain:

good day to the pumper who just read this message :wink:

:fallen_leaf: :cactus: :palm_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :earth_africa: :earth_americas: :earth_asia:

:mountain: :panda_face: :mountain:

:space_invader: :gun: :sunglasses: :v: :100: :fire:

Still raiding every weekend. and progressing. Trying to fill raid team for 9.1. Killing xymox this weekend come try our guild! :slight_smile:

This is a GREAT time to join a fantastic team! Come check us out! :slight_smile:

Just saying hi.