Account wide glad mounts on SL latest patch

In bfa they already q’d a ton just because azerites from duelist were omega bis for a lot of classes. I carried a lot of people early s3 to duelist for their weekly boxes during eternal palace prog.

i remember that. making max ilvl azerite rival this season was an odd choice, but i wonder if more people queued up because the goal felt more realistic

Think it was more for the top 100 guilds in a region instead of the top 50 guilds in a region. You get a lot of players that are very mediocre in high pressure situations and just throw cds ad the stupidest things. PvE is scripted afterall you can time stamp every go the mob does and just script cds for it. A lock in pc I know got 2700 his first season ever qing during EP and hes currently like 2.9k rn qing double destro and mwer and the guy cllicks some buttons with 0 arena 1 2 3 macros.

Kinda sad that some classes just need to know how to shove damage and then you out pressure every potential go.

Not a fan of this at all.

people who fotm rerolled destro get to have a glad mount for their whole account now, absolutely awful change

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Just boosted a destro lock, have 1 day and 20 hours played, already 460 ilvl and hitting 200k bolts…this class/spec is disgusting to be honest.

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I’ve lost respect for the title, and now losing it on the mount, too.

I see why everyone hates this change. I really dont care, the title and mount really dont mean anything as far as skill anyways.

I’m just surprised Chris K didn’t push mounts being rewarded from RBGs

But then again there’s still plenty of time until SL

Yo real talk really wish they’d overhaul rated bgs and make it a set pool of like WSG Arathi only and do updated rewards. Sometimes I just wanna carry egirls and not q with them in 2s because god they’re so bad.

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If anything the real account-wide change that should have been were the MoP/WoD CM teleports (not meaning class sets though). Talked with someone on the forums looking for a quicker way to the vale. They did mop CMs but the teleport was on another character. All that wasted time that could have been saved for making it account-wide. Also would free up people from playing on old mains they don’t enjoy anymore cause it has transportation functionality.

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While they’re at it can I get high warlord account wide since I haven’t played that feral even semi seriously since cata?

all past glad mounts become account wide or just shadowland ones?

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This is a really cool ch…


I don’t think anyone with a gladiator mount asked for/wants this. Revert the changes.


Grats, locks.


its official

who cares as long as PvP is actually fun again

Probably people with glad mounts.

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Thats so true man, its a very very bad change, it just remove my objective to q, im pvp player and always push for r1 on my main, but it’s fun to farm the mount on my alt with my friend, its just created content, and now for no reason, they removed it, again good job blizzard.


why play your main when you can get the mount on fotm? for example. For the future this is going to destroy any sense of off meta comps queueing lmao.

next expansion: gladiator titles account wide.

We’re one step away from CR = Access to Historical elite pvp vendor. (ex: buying cata elite because you’re 1800 in SL)

edit: wow my ideas sound so muhc like something blizzard would do I triggered myself.