Account Wide Bank and Reputation!

Something is better than nothing. I’m an optimist. :person_gesturing_no:


I just want to laugh in front of all those who thought this would never happen. You can be cynical about it if you like, but they just said they are now respecting alts as a playstyle and will no longer focus on the assumption that the player has a single character.

Needless to say this is directly in my wheelhouse and it’s just one more thing I always wanted that is now coming to pass.

No matter what it actually looks like it’s not going to be inferior to what I have now, which is full rep reset every time I start a new character. So I never do rep, because I never do enough of it on any one character. It’s amazing to see they are finally seeing a problem there that needed a fix.

Also, warbands, is that what I think it is? Is it like all my alts are in a guild that shares everything? Unless I’m missing something that’s going to be flat out amazing as well.

I gotta say it all sounds good, but the sharing amongst alts and the delve concept (solo/duo for prime rewards) they are just firing on all cylinders for a player like myself. It only took 16 years, but heck late is better than never and now I know I’m gonna be around for a good long while.


wonder how it will work with Rep with all alts having different rep lvls and main being maxed with most

So… I’m assuming account wide also means our horde/alli toons share as well? or will there be a faction gate in there somewhere?

My assumption would be that they would share the highest level earned.


It is actually not happening for the old content. Only the coming expansion. Source: wowhead link to the wiki, Q&A.


Well, that’s not fun.

It isn’t, no.

More information also here


That’s fine, I was aware of that. As long as it’s everything going forward, there’s nothing rep wise that I’ve really cared about since Allied Races and I have all of those now but nightborne, who don’t even need rep anymore.

Means I’ll get Earthen in a timely manner, I’m thinking. And may see some high levels of rep just in general that I never see.

Obviously I would prefer it be applied to everything, but at least it’s a start.

One thing that made me crack a smile and feel like “finally “ to me was when (I forgot who said it metzen or holly or the other person) … they said they will recognize the players time and no longer the character’s. Not exact words it’s a para phrase…

I’ve literally argued this point many times on these forums for years when topics raged about rep grinds and such. The first time I’m pretty sure was way back like before WoD even.

I would tell people “ I think it’s dumb that blizz forces you to do the work for reps on each character… I mean it’s the real life human being investing their real actual time here not the character made of pixels. They should respect our time as players!”

And it sounds like they FINALLY got that. So to me that is a win !


100% THIS!!! I played SWTOR along with WOW forever. That is one thing that I really enjoyed about SWTOR, was the account wide Rep, currencies, AND an account bank!! Makes life SOOO much easier!
Bliz, make this happen please!!

Also means shared gold too from what I saw in an interview with John Hight.

Is it going to apply to all expansions and all rep or just going forward?

Disregard, just saw that is only going forward. Well boo.

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Oh no my reputation with pixel npc is ruined :exploding_head:

Ugh that’s so dumb.

It makes more sense to make irrelevant reps account wide rather than current ones.


LMAO all hype I had for this just went into cardiac arrest.

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yep i couldn’t agree more.

From what I’m reading it hasn’t been decided yet.

"Account wide reputations will only be for the new factions, TBD what will happen with the older factions.

If it includes old factions, I will be a very happy camper


Ion said in the Deep Dive they are going to be working on it for all reputation, starting with the Dragonflight renoun, and working backwords.