Account recently closed, opened a ticket, no explanation they reversed the closures

So the second response I got asking WHY I was suspended and what I can not do in the future, they told me to post here instead, claiming they can’t tell me.

Can I at the very least assume that if a false positive happens again that the result will be the same?

I’m inclined to believe they wanted you to post in

and not GD because all you’re going to get here is accusations that you were in some way cheating :laughing:


The reason why is due to them wanting to keep the real people i question that are being flagged for whatever activity you got false flagged for. From being able to understand how they get caught and how they can circumvent it. I get its all mysterious, yet it happens sometimes, yet sadly if they divulge the why and how, it opens the door for the ones that need to be banned being able to avoid it potentially.

I think if you look at the email they typically send it will tell you the offense, but not the how you got flagged. Otherwise your SoL and just gotta be careful and mindful I guess.

EDIT: It just happens is all, sometimes the flag is similar to something else that occurs in game and causes a false flag. Hopefully they updated their method to ignore whatever you did that happened to trigger it. So it doesn’t happen again, yet you’ll never know what did it sadly for detection reasons :/.

The bans were reversed, here’s the quote.

“The service that you’re requesting is not one that is offered. If you would like to see this become an option in the future, please share your constructive feedback on our official forums.”

I mean I know that they don’t want to give away detection methods, but obviously this detection method isn’t working because it caught me doing nothing wrong…

Yea but if they reversed it then obviously he wasn’t cheating. Obviously it was a mistake on their end but didn’t explain why.

what service were you requesting?

“Now that these have been reversed is there anything specific that I can avoid doing to trigger these? I’m already doing a lot to try to prevent getting reported by other players, but they automatically believe I’m breaking the rules.”

I wasn’t requesting a service, more of a question as to what I can do.