Account Info Changed?

I was just logged out of WoW because my “Account Information has been changed”!

I quickly was able to change my password!

But this has never happened before.

Did something on Blizzard’s side do this?
I noticed the Evoker icon was still active this morning for the Dragonflight trial. Would deactivating that have caused this?

Its not there now, but I don’t know if it just now disappeared.

Do you have a authenticator on ur account.

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I thought it needed some sort of item I dont have. Would be happy to get one!

if you want ur account 100% secure u need the mobile authenticator or the bnet app on ur phone because if this was someone trying to hack ur account this will happen again.

Oh its one or the other?
I thought I could use both?
Ok I’ll just get the bnet phone app.

The DF free trial ended shortly ago, which can also seem to cause this message. I saw it on one of my three WoW licenses running, and it was the one that did not have DF on it. Logging back into it shows a locked Evoker now, as expected. The other licenses with DF were not affected.


Yeah that seems to be what it is. Thanks!

I’m still going to get the authenticator, now that I know how!

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I suspect this may be the case. I don’t see anything out of the ordinary here as far as access.


That’s a good idea regardless! You’ll get four extra backpack slots as part of the process too :slight_smile:


As long as they set up phone notifications as well - you need both for the extra bag space