Accessibility should not have to be earned. Steady flying should be automatically available as an alternative

You did provide ample points, they do show your opinion, but do not prove you are correct.

Just making an argument does not make it right.

Why do I reply to your posts when I’ve said I’m wasting my time with you? To provide other readers of this forum insight into what you are trying to claim.

You are not the judge, jury and executioner of wow subjects.

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lol…maybe they’ll start that “opinions and arguments arent the same” crap again lol
I got a real kick from that joke.

it ALL comes down to this one basic fact…

That environment no longer exists…and so Pathfinders INTENDED purpose was made null and void…and at this point is being used as a weapon to spite those who have trouble with Ions new shiny flight toy…

Yes, Nayaga, I know they don’t make me correct, and I would never presume that my opinions are objectively more correct than anyone else’s since they are, in fact, opinions.

But you clearly have reasons for why you feel this way about skyriding, and in my efforts to parse those reasons, you continued to not give me any. Saying “that’s my opinion” and “I disagree” is not reason enough. I tried to be good-faith about our conversation, and you instead opted to ask leading questions that I had addressed time and again while imposing bad-faith assertions (like asserting that skyriding is, in any vein, as hard as raiding or M+) about what I was saying.

I cannot have an honest conversation with someone who is either too dense to recognize when they’re being dishonest, or someone who is deliberately trolling the thread and myself. The outcomes are the same, either way.

Just because I don’t agree with you, doesn’t make me dense, dishonest or trolling.

I’ve given my reasons, you’ve dismissed them, definitely your choice, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t provided my reasons.

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If this is all that you gleaned from that entire comment, then yes, you are either dense or trolling.

I don’t make the rules. Maybe read my comments in their entirety, and perhaps you wouldn’t come off that way.

Stating you provided reasons doesn’t mean you have. It’s useless to try and make you understand this so :person_shrugging:

its the same laughable hoax as when they run around calling everyone ‘bigot’ these days.
Its an admission theyve lost the debate and are trying to shock you into compliance.
its pretty pathetic and desperate, to be quite honest

As you said to me, maybe you should review our interchange.

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they make me laugh trying to make this sound so complex and so hard to understand

  1. pathfinder was created to keep us ALL on the ground till X was fulfilled.
  2. that purpose ended the first day of DF when anyone got flight without PF.
  3. PF serves absolutely NO purpose NOW in relation to its original intent

pretending one needs to be Einstein to figure this out is pretty pathetic.
Almost as pathetic as their NOT being able to figure it out lol

One big factor of motion sickness is speed. SPEED! People seem to forget that.

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Interesting, the rare times I use Skyriding, I go as slow as possible. That and I don’t use a mount that bobs up and down (Grove Warden).
Good observation!


Why should they? Are you trying to convince me they have abilities to speed through the air with the same speed you are skyriding with?

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omg…the wife and I did that work in Mists to get those serpent mounts.
Lol…what a waste of time.
They make her motion sick wiggling and writhing like they do…and while I dont get motion sick they did give me some weird migrainey kind of thing behind my eyes.
We both stopped using them within the week lol

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Don’t be so hard on yourself.

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Sorry I logged off before seeing this. Fuzzbutt is right. It’s the main story line plus exploration. I think I finished it around lv 77 or 78. I did use dragonriding to get the explore part done, so I’m not sure how difficult or time consuming it is to do with a ground mount. But I can’t think of any area you need for exploring achievements that you can’t reach with a ground mount.

Definitely easier than previous Pathfinders, but still annoying that they’re still making us do a Pathfinder to unlock regular flying.


Yes, they added some motion sickness settings. No, they don’t work for everyone. So people continue to bring it up because it is still an issue for some people. There is nothing silly about it.


Thats because steady flight is superior, they all know it. Thats why you have to work for it and you get the inferior gliding system as a holdover until you can unlock the superior flight again.

anyone who could make this absurd statement has to suck at skyriding. lol

the ONLY advantage of steady flilght…and I know…I use BOTH…is hovering.
There is NO other advantage and that isnt an advantage at all unless we’re whining about losing our gank fodder lol

If it was superior it wouldnt need the superior flight mode to be gated in order to be the chosen.


  1. Sky riding has vigor
  2. Sky riding has Surge Forward, Skyward Ascent, Aerial Halt, Bronze Timelock which are one way to affect motion
  3. Sky riding is affected by angle of descent, which is another way to affect motion

Steady Flying has none of these.

This seems painfully obvious, and your comment could read as intellectual dishonesty for the purposes of dismissing an argument.