[A][Burning Legion] <Exodus> 5/10M SoD LFM M/W 8-11 EST

12/12M CE recruiting for re-clears and Shadowlands! Can contact Berg above or myself @ superspike#1332 (Bnet) Superspike#2055 (Discord)

12/12 big bois

12/12 big boi giga gamers:

https ://clips.twitch.tv/SpinelessCheerfulPenguinStoneLightning

Come join a group of absolute clappers for reclears (you might even get a mount :wink: )

Bumping for recruitment! Looking for competent ranged dps interested in trialing on re-clears for SL CE progression!

looking to trial willing to race change and server transfer on the 1st september

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Looking for clappers

Clapper, slapper, or tapper?

Exodus can’t be bleat.

Bump for a warlock, mage, and warrior dps

Balance, Disc, Resto YEET

6/10M looking for friends to come sashay with us on Council!

Recruitment bump! 12% on Sludgefist looking for the following to finish out the tier:

Healers: Disc Priest, Resto Shaman

Ranged DPS (Emphasis on Balance Druid, Affliction Lock, Marksman Hunter, and Shadow Priest)

Other qualified DPS please feel free to reach out!

12% Sludgefist to the moon

7% on Sludgefist bump bump bump come raid with us

Recruitment bump, accepting competent players in all roles

Did someone say SLG prog? Recruiting!

Looking for raid tank:

Order of preference: Vengeance, Blood, and Prot paladin

LFM for CE!

Bumping for CE recruitment! Painsmith best pull 41.4%!