I downloaded it this morning, but don’t know what I’m looking for.
Red values indicating high heat.
In that case, I’m good. I ran it several times last night when I was playing trying to look for anything out of the ordinary. I definitely didn’t see anything in the red.
Guess I’ll have to take my laptop to the computer shop, nothing in the forums or online has been able to help me figure out why WoW has insane FPS drops and lag spikes, as well as doing simple things like resetting my details meter or exiting my macro screen almost making my game crash.
windows + R and type in SFC /scannow
Windows will find and repair any issues it finds
“Windows cannot find ‘SFC/scannow’. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.”
This is what I get when trying that.
At the prompt it is SFC /scannow SFC (spacebar once) then forward slash/scannow
Tried that, no error message, but it does nothing at all.
Great! at least SFC found no issues if it ran fully.
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