Absorbs to No Longer Prevent Daze (EDIT: APPARENTLY A BUG)

Oh please blizz, don’t take my daze immunity from Demon Skin, you guys have already taken everything I have.

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One yes, it is in pvp this mount can actually bounce from a fall especially being pushed off by a shaman.Preventing a kill for honor.

To prevent pvp by being on water which a person of opposing faction can’t reach. Try again.

Yet,the stride is as of now been nerfed before even the patch is out,why?

It will be useless because it’s restricted to the area it is made.Unless they make a new one which from what people are saying isn’t as good.plus ww potion can’t be used with flasks and other guardian potion or elixirs.

Then our Azerite gear with resounding is useless in the new zone.Great.

Nerfed coming,if not changed before hand.

See above.try again.Everything points to pvp why else is this an issue unless it really is.

Well, many of us said at the time that it was a change that wasn’t likely to be made in isolation. There’s no point in “mount equipment” to give players a choice of anti-daze when there are gameplay ways to avoid daze, so they had to go.

Keep in mind that one of the other “equipments” is the slow-fall thing, and guard your Goblin Gliders fiercely, because they’re probably next on the chopping block.

All of this will be being done in service of Nazjatar and Mechagon, and you can bet there’s going to be some Argus-calibre mob annoyance ready to go there :wink:

Just waiting for this round of the Developer Drinking Challenge, where I get to have a whiskey every time a dev claims the latest unpopular and unwelcome change is “for the long term health of the game”.


PvP is a minority aspect of the game. See all the QQ threads about imbalanced Warmode with no one (Alliance) turning it on without epic level rewards.

The overwhelming majority of players are out and about, Warmode off, doing world content as fast as possible by dropping in to WQ near flight paths and using the whistle to instantly warp out again.

More daze means it takes longer to get from FP to WQ which means it takes longer to complete WQ which means you spend longer getting your chores done which leads to increased DAU and MAU statistics. Water Strider nerf accomplishes the same thing by making “short cuts” take longer or not be viable (gold fish nibbles your toes and dismounts you and you can’t remount because your mount won’t break the plane of the surface forcing you to swap through mounts).


You do realize everything they do is for pvp,especially bg’s.I agree you can turn warmode off but the effects still are there because of pvp in general.It a common fact ,what they do in pvp effects the pve side of the game play as like our gear.

Patch 8.haha.sadnowcauseitcouldhappen
Mage/priest: Slow fall/levitate can no longer be cast while falling.
Everybody: Fall damage now ignores all shields, immunities, and distance from ground.

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Oh great,all the more reason to niche my reason to leave this game.Thank blizzard for showing me with my stride /slowfall death what you’re doing.

Getting to a point where they are taking so much out of the game I’m pondering taking my money elsewhere.


Everyone will just use the Comfortable Rider’s Barding then. It sounds like you destroy the equipment if replaced, so unless you want to buy a lot of mount equipment and switch back and forth, the non-daze one will be it for non tanks. Once flying is unlocked this won’t matter as much, but still pretty annoying.

Flying equipment: Increase duration of available flight by 50%. Increase flight speed to 200%. Increase available altitude by 100%…

Use water walking? Now you only have flight for 2 minutes with a 30 min CD that is base run speed and a max climb ceiling of 20 yards… only get one slot.

The war on water walking may just be the nuke that ends the war on flight.

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calmly crafts barding

Having access to the metrics and knowing better are two separate things. The devs are still human, they can still make mistakes.


Oh that’ll be cool mosquito mount :grinning:

You mean common sense? Very questionable.

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If Blizzard really wanted to improve the experience of using mounted equipment, they would be buffing this equipment to make it more attractive instead of gutting other parts of the game to make the equipment look more attractive in comparison.

Have the Comfortable Rider’s Barding also allow gathering while mounted and/or increase mounted travel speed. But that would be too much of a QoL improvement and we can’t have that. Better nerf something else to make up for it.


Another random quality of life that Blizzard removes and implements into a crappy new system that no one wants or asked for. It’s like they look for things to make us angry instead of delivering worthy content and ideas.

I don’t… GET it.


Yet it seems to not effect them,no answers just silence.

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I’m sure we’ll get some lame “but it feels so immersive” response from a CM that doesn’t address how players actually play the game.


So I don’t really understand this? In an RPG sense, the blow that would otherwise daze you, is being absorbed. So if you’re not taking damage, what is causing the daze effect?


If they nerf the absorb then just about anything would cause dazing,a shout,object and effect ground or air can cause dazing.