Absolutely insane lag on Moonguard server

Home Latency: 70
World Latency: 70

Actual latency: Several seconds worth of lag. Any action, spell, ability, npc interaction etc, takes several seconds to happen.

No addons.

I’d like to bump this, because the lag is genuinely terrible. I don’t think I’ve EVER seen it this bad. The latency has been insane.

I know the servers are garbage, but this is an entire new level of suck.

How does it take 14 seconds to cast Holy Shock?

Literally unplayable.

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I’ve had to leave Stormwind just to vendor junk items on my Yak, lmao

Hey everyone, I did some basic network testing and realized that it’s not the server – there appears to be an ISP-related network problem. I confirmed this by using my VPN to connect to a server close to the WoW Datacenter in LA (where Firetree is, my home server) and the problems vanished.

I recommend using a VPN to get around the problem. You can find your datacenter by Googling “US realm list by datacenter”.

In case you were curious, the datacenter for Moonguard is located in Phoenix, AZ. My VPN will allow me to use hardware in LA (the closest one to Arizona) and even with the VPN, there’s no difference for me in playability. Lag interacting, abilities, mail, everything. My MS is normal, but my framerate is half of what it normally is.

I am still having intermittent spots of lag, but it’s dramatically better than it was before. My framerate is completely unaffected.

We may have two different problems here. Mine is DEFINITELY network-related, and seems to be an issue with the route. Yours may be totally different, and could be the server, the datacenter, or even something local.

Responded to this in another thread as well, but yeah. Game is pretty unplayable. Memory hog when the servers actually want to heed our input. Input lag that makes the reaction time of an orc peon seem faster when it’s running smooth FPS-wise.

We’ve had these problems for a long while now, Blizzard. Even technically before 8.3 was a thing. But more than likely, this’ll get swept under the rug despite it being elevated off the floor by the large collection of caked-on god knows what.

Same here replies from Blizzard say it is a networking error but not on their end. My isp hasn’t changed and everything else is still playable but WOW is not. Stands to reason it would be when the Horseman mount might finally be obtained. This has happened before when Blizzard changes something and numerous ISP’s are no longer compatible.