About that Elven Ageing trope

Doesn’t matter. He’s still an adult.

Elves mature by the age of 18-20. After that they just live for an extremely long time. We have three different lore sources which show this to be true.

So the idea that Elves don’t reach maturity until they’re at least 100 years old is nonsense.

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Debateable. Then again, that applies to real life Humans as well. Men don’t really mature until 30 even if they’re considered adults 12 years earlier. That’s another thing women beat them at.

Both are arbitrary calls since Elves ARE NOT HUMAN. I do consider my call more in the flavor of the classic elven tropes. Blizzard annoyingly enough as I’ve shown has gone both ways.

Adulthood is a complicated and arbitrary thing in and of itself. It wasn’t that long ago that we sent people we call children into heavy factory work. And apparantly there’s a move to revive that here in the United States, and across the globe we have people of the same age being sent to war.

Heck even the Jedi didn’t hesitte to put 13 and 14 year old children not only to war but occasionally in command of battle squads in the Clone Wars. Girls have been married off as early as 5 or 6.

You’re splitting hairs.

The reality is simple. There’s no canon lore, none at all, which implies elves don’t become adults until they’re over 100 years old.

The only source of past wow lore that implied the opposite was the Warcraft RPG, which is non-canon. Blizzard may pull from the RPG in certain respects to make something canon (as they did with the Lightslayer and Primal prestige classes) but until they do that, anything in those books is non-canon.

But I get it, since Blizzard has not defined lifespans significantly in lore since they declared the Warcraft RPG non-canon, players might want to refer to it as it’s the only source that exists that defines character lifespans. If that’s what you want to do, then more power to you, but in the event that actual canon lore is released which contradicts the RPG, the canon lore takes precedence.

And canon lore states that Elves reach adulthood by the age of 18-20.

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And that canon lore is where again? I’m not talking about inferential examples, I’m talking the actual statement.

Scroll up.

I gave you three examples of lore stating that elves reach adulthood by the age of 18-20.

Sylvanas was considered the most capable hunter in the Windrunner family before she was 18.
Vallera Sanguinar was a child between the age of 13-15 when the Scourge destroyed Quel’thalas.
Taerenar Sunstrike was a youth when he would sneak into the Ghostlands to fight undead which only got their name after the Third War.

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It is well known elves have rows of constantly reproducing razor teeth, sand paper like skin, and reproduce in egg clutches 1,000 strong.

This would include those night elves that were youths during the Battle of Hyjal. They’ve never had the experience of living beyond a normal lifetime.

How does that even work? How do you “experience” not being immortal when no one has died of old age? I mean even Elves from the sundering, such as Tyrande et al. , are showing no signs of old age.

But it is typical of how little thought Blizzard has put into a profound subject.

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I said that they haven’t experienced being immortal because they were calendarily young when Nordrassil was detonated. If you were only a thirty year old Night Elf at the time, you’ll never have the experience of being a five thousand year old elf. A rational background for say a Night Elf mage created in Cataclysm or later.

The Wretched are Feeble and they got where they were due to overdosing on Arcane Magic.

Furthermore the Nightborne have used Arcane so extensively compared to the High Elves they start to wither if they go on without it and even worse when a Nightfallen tries to consume large amounts of Arcane at once they turn into a Withered instantly.

It seems the more Arcane the Elf’s Body takes in at once the more Arcane it needs to keep from withering.

The Kings of Quel’Thalas spend so much time right next to the Arcane rich Sunwell that their Bodies wither without greater and greater doses of Arcane Magic I would assume.

In otherwords there is probably a safe distance for High Elf immortality and a dangerous distance that is ultimately fatal and makes them Mortal.

Well, it’s not the first time.

Well, not with that attitude.

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What? They are already showing them lorewise. Tyrande was mentioned to slowly be getting wrinkles. Jarod’s wife died because her biological clock was restarted. Presumably the same has happened to every night elf. That now that are “small” signs of aging/that aging is slowly catching up to them.




Okay if we’re going by its dictionary definition that might be a technically correct way of using it but I don’t really think that’s why people use the term “biological clock”. :dracthyr_lulmao:

She died because her immune system was magical not natural. Once the magical immune system her Body didn’t have time to develop the necessary antibodies required to survive.

Night Elves should have about as long as the Zandalari to live. High/Blood Elves can be immortal as long as they don’t get too close to(for fear of overexposure to Arcane increasing the Body’s dependence on it to survive resulting in Withering) or too far away from their Sunwell that is sustaining their lifespan.

To the main point, the younger “generation” is experiencing this even less.

I’ don’t agree that small signs of aging are “experiencing loosing immortality”. Tey know what the signs mean, but that isn’t the same thing as experiencing the lose of death. There could be a lot of interesting stuff. Does the entire race feel that they are not under a death sentence? Did it change how they feel about the deaths in war? But to properly explore that, Blizzard would have had to have some idea what it would mean to be immortal. Rather than just having them act like the mortals do.

The upsides and downsides

Haven’t seen that one. Just getting back into the series…