About Female Goblins

Female goblins always looking like a double wide surprise

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Yea. People who talk like that make me sick. Goblins are an amazing addition the game regardless of how many people play them. I fell in love with them when I did their starting zone and goblins are generally respected as a good addition to the game.


Trust me, hun.

We’ve always looked this good!


Wrong end. Stupid gnome.

She said busty. Or rather, “That’s what she said.”

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Goblins have always had cute options and been very curvy for their race. On the battlefield it’s hard not to just pick them up and hug them.
It sucks that Blizzard backed out of making them the Alliance race in vanilla in favor of gnomes.

Opposing cartel of goblins Allied race for the Alliance when? You just have to make them run the color wheel from teal to purple instead of greens.


I think they are a good addition to the game. Their starting zone needs to die in a fire. So off to exile’s reach, an maybe I can finally lvl one to max.

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vanilla chests look so bad on fem gobs imo. they def are “chesty” than they were before. it looks like they have botched implants tbh

Give us that car from the starting zone first. Then you can nuke it from orbit.

If I remember right, Female Goblins have the largest breasts-to-body size in the game.

And I love it.

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Yeah, the car is good. So much better than the lame little trike.


What? No. That starting zone is hands down the best one in the game. Fun quests, does a great job at telling you what goblins are all about, gives you a good feel for the race and its one of the few times in the game you can have a goblin adventure.


Still. They have both and can rock them both nicely!


Female Goblins have the one of the curviest bodies in game. Sexy little shortstacks.


I mean, is it a bad thing?

I don’t think anybody is saying that. Just commenting on the loadout.

Alright, just checking because it seems like a good thing :stuck_out_tongue:

also “the loadout” that made me laugh

That death knight looks so badass. Love he horns, love the glowing eyes, the eye glow your expression. Love the rest of the mog. Everything about it just screams don’t mess with me or you gonna get hurt while also simulatiously saying sexy badass. Great mog!