Abolish/Cure disease Bugged

Videos of gameplay are easy(ish) to find. Go watch some.

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Real vanilla stuff is ultra grainy and hard to get solid data from, this was one of the real hangups of Private servers using that method for recreation.

Yes but we’re not talking about hard to see details like the exact spot a model stood. We’re talking about dispels which will either have a raid frame or a huge icon on individual characters that are easy to see.

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How many healer perspective videos of Vanilla raiding are there? Mostly its just Warriors rogues mages and hunters and the occasional ret…

Any big guild will have a healers perspective. This just seems like you’re trying to hide behind another false narrative man. I’m done. Do some homework if you want to deny something or don’t and just don’t deny it.

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What if its not a false narrative tho? Why would they make changes for the sake of it this late in game? It just doesn’t make any sense to do so.

They can claim this, so far 17 videos of Grob fights dug up by reddit from vanilla and 0 dispel resists seen so far in any of them (neither healer perspective shots, nor seeing multiple cleanse swirly animations on infected people in non-healer perspective videos), funny how it’s common enough now to warrant so many threads but appears absolutely no where anyone can see in videos of when it supposedly worked this way.


I have talked to a total of 32 priests so far and asked the success rate of their dispels on Grobb. The average on the success rate of dispels is around 19%. There is no way in hell this is a “small chance to fail”. Your words blizzard not mine.


I dispel Grobbulus every week and never had a resist until this week. I think maybe one dispel this week didn’t resist. Same with diseases on Chromaggus. Dispel magic working fine tho.


Because they probably didn’t intend to do it, they bugged something out like the wonderful world buff issues they had today. Instead of working on fixing it they want to pawn it off as intended. Or worse yet they literally don’t even know what they’re talking about like what has happened before.


On a positive note about world buffs, some how I keep getting ZG and Ony while in SW like constantly, somethings wacky fo sho.

Yes that is what i was talking about. it was in peoples spellbooks

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I played a priest in vanilla. When resisting mind controls was an issue we played around with not having MC’s resisted.

You know the number of times I had a disease cleanse on a MT resist on Heigan in vanilla? ZERO. You know the number of times I had a disease cleanse on ANYONE resist on Grobb? ZERO. You know how I know that number is zero? Because if it happened then we would have been figuring out how to have that not happen. There are literally dozens of fights across several expansions where this was not an issue or a consideration.

You know how I know blizzard is lying? Because you can go to current live Warcraft logs and go through hundreds, even thousands of defensive, PvE dispells and match up when someone cast a defensive dispell and when something was dispelled. I went through about 300 and shockingly I found…ZERO RESISTS. Gee I guess blizzard patched PVE dispells at some point in WoW’s history so they couldn’t be resisted. Oh right I know they didn’t because that would have been A BIG DEAL, and one that would have been noticed.

There are several PVE dispell mechanics that if failed can result in a wipe. Shockingly this never was a major issue in all of WoW’s history, vanilla up to Shadowlands, and including classic, until now.

And for reference I have never played private servers.

tl;dr Blizzard is lying, defensive dispells in pve were not resistable at any point in wow up until the most recent classic wow patch.


No it isn’t and wasnt. If you look carefully at that bluepost they’re talking about offensive dispel and have the wrong end of the stick.

FRIENDLY dispel never had a chance to be resisted in vanilla. Never. Not once ever.


Additionally, dispelling of harmful affects in certain pve encounters will also have a small chance to fail.

That is taken directly from the blue post, and it is just blatantly false and what literally everyone is talking about. Offensive dispells yes had a chance to resist, defensive dispells in PvE encounters nope, not at all.



100% false, there is NO way their reference client has this occurring because this was NOT a thing in vanilla.

I have no idea why blizzard is doubling down on this when anyone who played vanilla knows it’s false.


agreed, this never happened in vanilla. Even if it remotely did, it was clearly a bug and not an actual function of the game.

Like, literally who asked to add a bug into the game.

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Offense dispelling: always had a chance to be resisted. We’re good here.
Defensive dispelling in PvP: there are some cases like a rogue talent that can cause resists on friendly dispells in PvP:
Defense dispelling in PvE: no one seems to recall this, and looking through as many videos as I can find does not show any cases of this happening.

I usually default to “our memory is wrong” not “Blizzard is wrong” but looking at vanilla videos I can not find a single instance of a friendly dispell casted on a target in PvE being resisted.

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This was not a thing in vanilla. People would have cried hard on chromaggus about it…


I’m not sure why anyone is bringing up Mark of the Wild. If you read Blizzard’s post, it sounds like it takes into account the level and resistances of the caster of the debuff, not the target. So for a healer with no spell hit, dispels will have the same 17% chance to resist as dps caster spells (with a 16% spell hit cap from talents and gear).

Enemies higher level than the player also have a flat 2% mitigation per level that acts like spell resistance, but it cannot be mitigated by spell penetration (equivalent to 24 spell resistance for a 60 player fighting 63 boss, or 28 spell resistance for 70 vs 73). Early sources also claim this mitigation only applies to nonbinary spells, which dispels are not.

https:// dwarfpriest wordpress com/2008/01/07/spell-hit-spell-penetration-and-resistances/