Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

11/12/2018 04:02 PMPosted by Drakuloth
Hey all,

No updates on getting the fix implemented for this yet but it is absolutely still on our radar and it's a priority. Y'all aren't forgotten here. We're going to keep working on this.

I'm starting to lose faith in you guys, truly.

In Drustvar atm on Caelestrasz and the whole of General chat is complaining about the lag.

We are paying customers, how much longer seriously do we need to put up with this terrible playing experience?
11/12/2018 04:02 PMPosted by Drakuloth
Hey all,

No updates on getting the fix implemented for this yet but it is absolutely still on our radar and it's a priority. Y'all aren't forgotten here. We're going to keep working on this.

How about you give me six month Subscription in advance and i'll put it on my radar to pay you back, when i can implement it into my budget.

This is what you're telling us to swallow.

Great work from a billion dollar company.
Can you please be !@#$ing honest and say "We are waiting player base to go down and then we will tell you ITS FIXED! At this moment it's not profitable for us to fix this because its %^-*ED beyond repairing"

All of this bull!@#$ you are working on it is %^-*ing lie. Can you get one of the developer managers here so he can explain what the !@#$ are they doing?

A turtle made it to the !@#$ing water
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The GM said this to me in a ticket yesterday:

But I did hear that there will be big improvement regarding the latency issue in Oceanic realms.

Didn't say when or how though.
This nonchalant attitude to customers is the new Blizzard. Seeing similar tactics over in the Oceanic Routing thread. It’s sad, but a 20% stock drop speaks very loudly if you ask me. Just speak with your wallet.

Maybe we’ll see fixes in the next Grand Scheme™
11/12/2018 09:20 PMPosted by Drakuloth
11/12/2018 06:05 PMPosted by Aehl
I also want to know if this this thread is going to be wiped when the new forums get started, because this IS not going away and this thread should not be deleted.

We can't port entire threads over to the new system, but we will designate a new thread on the new forums post-move. You'll be able to identify it pretty quickly I'm sure but we'll have a descriptive title and point people to it once the new forums are up.

I get that this has been a major cause of frustration for months. Even our developers/we want this handled faster than it is being handled. The magnitude of the work needed is going to require a major patch to implement. I don't have an exact version number/date yet but if we get that info that will show up here once we have it. As many of you have assumed, this problem is with individual shards/the sharding system itself, as well as the way people are swapping to and from groups during high volume play times.

We're not just trying to keep you in the dark here. The progress has been slow. Everybody involved wants this moving faster. If I get more info on timetables/what's being done I'll let you know, but until then you all know as much as we do.

You saw "work needed" like this hasnt even started yet...
Some of our game we paid good money for and continue to pay good money for is broken and you now tell us work is needed!!!~
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Remember when Blizzard used to give out free game time credit when there was long downtime or excessive server issues?

These days you just get nice PR spin blue post every other week as a reward for paying them for three months of a terrible sharding implementation and recent Equinix issues (which isn't Blizzard's fault, but they should be piling that pressure on them).

It's no wonder people are starting to see Blizzard in the same sort of light as EA.

"There's a major issue with our back end server technology. We'll fix it someday. We don't know when. We don't have a timetable. But it'll be in the future, we promise. In a major patch probably, but we don't know. We know we aren't handling this fast enough, and that's bad. No worries though, we'll keep taking your money. She'll be right."

Small Indie Developer Blizzard seems more realistic every passing day.
08/17/2018 07:39 AMPosted by Zuvykree

We are currently investigating this issue and need more information to narrow down the problem. When the issue is occurring please run a [url="https://battle.net/support/article/000027780?utm_source=internal-TechForum&utm_medium=posting&utm_campaign=BlizzardCS&utm_content=solution"]WinMTR [/url] to host IP: for 10 minutes. Post the results back here within code blocks </>. Other information we would like to know:

- Does this latency only occur in Battle for Azeroth zones or anywhere in game?
- When the latency is occurring what does your Home/World latency report. You can see this by placing your mouse over the red question mark next to your bags.

This information will help us greatly! Just make sure to collect it when the issue is at it's worst and during the time frame stated.

Thank you!

-For me it occurs everywhere, but mostly in areas with high population.
-My latency can range anywhere from 100-350. It's insane and makes the game piratically unplayable.

Drustvar last night wasnt that bad, cant chalk that up to time or population. It is…intermittent,

At this stage all we can do is wait.

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I stand corrected, we apparently can and did import recent threads over. We can continue as normal here, and are still watching this thread. If you happen to see other players in your area with this problem, please direct them to this thread.

Still here? Good that they moved the nearly 2000 comments over
Bad that the problem still exists so an-6 second pause-y idea on a fix yet?

Can do, Drakuloth.

You imported threads over? Fu.ck that’s a relief. Happy to see you (Blizzard) have your priorities right…

If you happen to see other players in your area with this problem, please direct them to this thread.

Imagine being lowkey asked by a company to keep paying a subscription to a game that is unplayable and broken in an entire geographic region to try to find other people who are playing a game that is unplayable and broken in the same region to direct them to a thread that resolves nothing about the fact that the game is unplayable and broken in that region under the pretense that something will actually change by the action of directing someone here.


Glad they could move the thread over, just so Blizzard’s incompetence in this issue is kept visible to all.

Thought about resubbing for anniversary, if only to get the FoS on my usual characters I’ve gotten it on every other year. Decided not to.

it’s hard to care about the game when the company doesn’t care about you, let alone your entire region.

Let’s see if we can make it to 8.1 without a fix? Maybe 2019? 8.2?

I wouldn’t even be surprised if they didn’t fix it until the next expansion at this point.


Glad to see that this thread wasn’t lost in the move to the new system. Though I admit I’m still less than hopeful about a resolution to the problem arriving any time soon. It was mentioned that it would take a major patch to fix, so perhaps we won’t see anything of note happening until 8.1. Either way, here’s hoping. I’m more than a little tired of barely being able to play.


Stormrage , Dalaran , and some others PVE realms still the same to me , Ability 2-3 seconds lagg , loot 2-3 seconds lagg …any news … i’m tired of transfer my characters to a RP realms , its the only way to play this game with some descent gameplay !

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I remember these days when they gave a crap, I believe we also got a “we’re sorry” pet during WoLK when they screwed up some stuff.

This bullcrap has gone on for too freakin long, this is some “america first” covfefe bullcrap that needs to stop Now. Just because we’re in a different country doesn’t mean we’re worth less than other players.

@Blizzard you guys sound more and more like Apple every damn day. Next you’ll be selling us a dongle to connect to the games that use an obscure priority jack that we need a new motherboard for.

I have friends/guildies who literally can’t play the game because the latency is So bad in BFA zones so they’ve unsubbed.


I have not really played much in the last month.

Log on do some stuff for 30 minutes then call it a day.

Just not good enough.

The lag is nowhere near as bad as when I didn’t renew my game time but when it hits it hits and makes you hate playing.

Having said that, last night after the weekly reset I did the world boss. Lag was bad, as expected with 40+ people hitting the same thing. It stayed bad after leaving the group, was still bad as I did a couple of other WQ but then sorted itself out without me leaving the zone or forcing a server change.

So perhaps changes they’ve made are making it better, or perhaps enough people have quit the servers can cope now.