Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

09/08/2018 02:00 AMPosted by Alicenne
09/07/2018 02:48 PMPosted by Helruna
Warmode off
Stormsong Valley
General solo questing

NO LAG AT ALL it feels like Christmas, because non-peak hours.


Reported. Not helpful. I work and sleep during off peak hours. Peak hours are my time, and the lag is terrible during those hours.

Reported? I posted later on that the lag returned with peak hours.
I am only helping to paint a picture of how much peak hours are effecting the performance. I've been posting in this thread for days, I know the issue is frustrating and all but calm your !@#$ a bit mate.
Character: Helruna
Realm: Frostmourne
Zone: Stormsong Valley *Edit, moved on to the Sound, same story if not worse
Warmode OFF
Not in a group
Solo questing
2-5 second delay on all actions, happening right now.
Character: Rhektal
Realm: Gundrak
Zone: Tiragarde Sound
Warmode OFF
Not in a group
Attempting to herb gather
Happening now

EDIT: Either most of the oceanic players collectively gave up and buggered off for the night, or I managed to end up on a good shard. Either way, i've been fine for the last 15-30mins or so
Happening now

Character: Alessara
Realm: Frostmourne
Zone: Tiragarde Sound (Boralus)
Warmode OF
Not in a group
Attempting to collect mail and sell to vendors


Now doing world quests in Tiragarde and casting is taking forever :(
09/08/2018 01:15 AMPosted by Shadofiend
09/07/2018 10:45 PMPosted by Shadofiend
Just starting questing on an alt and the lag has reappeared there.

realm: Caelestrasz
zone: Drustvar
character: Illidarnit
How long: just started as I arrived, 5mins ago
Questing alone

and it is doing it again now, only much worse than it was previously.

And it continues to be bad in Drustvar, 2 hours after I first reported it.
Right now
Warmode: Off
9/9 ms both home and world

Just doing world quests and herbing as i go.. loot lag is beyond terrible. Even getting abilities to go off is terrible. Instant cast interrupt to interrupt a 4 second cast? Aw look missed it by *that* much. It's ok you'll just have to heal through the damage you didn't take.
And were back to this again.

Right now
Warmode: On
244 world MS, home MS at 166.

Going around boralus, getting a latency of 200ms, spiking up to 500-600 occasionally.
World questing here in Tiragarde atm is so miserable. Have to get emissary done but wondering why I am paying $15/month subscription for this service. Not a fun experience.
Stormsong Valley
Right now
Warmode: Off
105ms world, 103ms home

Doing some normal quests, experiencing noticeable delay in combat actions, looting, NPC dialogue options.
Pretty much all alliance in new zone leveling have lag, is that enough to say? Or we have to wait till next week to see horde all get lagged.
Been having these issues the past week, happening in all questing areas, only seems bearable/playable in dungeons.
realm: Frostmourne
zone: BFA everywhere
character: BMPants
How long:on and off past week
Questing alone, switching war mode off during the day yesterday helped for a short period of time.
often takes more than 10 secs to loot anything, have died multiple times trying to Feign Death and it taking more than 4-5 secs to register.
World ping is often 15ms, only saw it jump to 235ms once breifly.
edit: home pin is 13ms
Lagging like !@#.

The Zone you are in: Currently Drustvar but happens in all BFA zones
The character you are on: Wraghemilian
How long ago you had the issue: Every night for the past week or two
The Realm the affected character is on: Frostmourne
If you are in a group or not: Solo
Realm: Dath'Remar
Character: Holybleep
Zone: all BFA Zones
Time last experienced: As I type 11:50pm
Hi there Friends,

We are still working on this and gathering information. Please keep getting back to us with these reports as you see the problem on your realms.

To make information gathering more efficient, please tell us:
  • The Zone you are in
  • The character you are on
  • How long ago you had the issue
  • The Realm the affected character is on
  • If you are in a group or not

You are not forgotten, we want to help here and are working hard on finding an answer for all of you. We have had a few fixes already that has resolved the problems for some, not all of our users.

* Note, this is for our users on Oceania Servers, if you are on another server, please make a new thread *


Everyone in my guild has this issue, we're on Cael/Nagrand.

Happens in All zones but it hops around, Warmode on or off makes no difference. It's always worst in Drustvar.

As a caster, it makes it incredibly frustrating to the point i'm ready to reroll.

The running joke i've been making that this is just an undocumented feature of BFA - because it started Day 1 and has never stopped.
Still getting this in every single BFA zone, and arathi.

Sub cancelled. Won't be back this time. Expansion is just another repeat of WoD.
Billions of dollars, can't even read a couple of posts and work out the issues are BFA Zones "only" and happening within our peak hours.

***Checks at 4am "all good fellows, must be your end, Blizzard out***

Really is just a standing joke now
Thread started Aug 17, issue not fixed, no timeline on a fix, no idea whats causing it, all we get is "keep posting feedback", this combined with the night day issue means Oceanic has a vastly substandard service.

That we pay for.

We are not "fans"..we are paying customers.

A month later and we are no closer than where we were at the start...so Ill ask this again..how much longer are we going to have to put up with this?

How much "feedback" do you need to find out what the problem is and just how long are we supposed to tolerate what was not a problem in Legion?

So when will this be fixed?

How soon?

Or is this what we can expect for the next two years???
Hey y'all,

Thanks for continuing to provide this information. We definitely appreciate it, and we do understand how frustrating this situation is to deal with. Keep providing that information and we will continue forwarding that over.
09/07/2018 07:38 PMPosted by Schmuckules
09/07/2018 07:09 PMPosted by Teylari
Nagrand 12:08 pm Brisbane Australia.

| WinMTR statistics |
| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
| - 1 | 620 | 617 | 0 | 5 | 661 | 28 |
| No response from host - 1 | 620 | 617 | 6 | 17 | 245 | 34 |
| No response from host - 100 | 126 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| No response from host - 100 | 126 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| No response from host - 100 | 126 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| - 1 | 620 | 617 | 23 | 38 | 661 | 55 |
| - 1 | 616 | 612 | 25 | 38 | 263 | 39 |
| - 1 | 620 | 617 | 180 | 196 | 653 | 223 |
| - 1 | 620 | 617 | 180 | 194 | 661 | 228 |
| No response from host - 100 | 126 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| ae-1-6.bar2.SanFrancisco1.Level3.net - 1 | 620 | 617 | 184 | 198 | 649 | 213 |
|BLIZZARD-EN.bar2.SanFrancisco1.Level3.net - 1 | 620 | 617 | 185 | 198 | 418 | 223 |
| ae1-br01-eqsv5.as57976.net - 1 | 620 | 617 | 184 | 198 | 422 | 219 |
| xe-0-0-1-1-br02-eqla1.as57976.net - 1 | 615 | 612 | 188 | 232 | 2759 | 202 |
| et-0-0-29-br01-eqla1.as57976.net - 1 | 620 | 617 | 188 | 207 | 654 | 223 |
| et-0-0-2-br01-swlv10.as57976.net - 1 | 620 | 617 | 188 | 204 | 666 | 234 |
| et-0-0-31-pe02-swlv10.as57976.net - 1 | 624 | 622 | 188 | 199 | 421 | 191 |
| las-swlv10-ia-bons-04.as57976.net - 1 | 620 | 617 | 188 | 201 | 656 | 221 |
| - 1 | 620 | 617 | 188 | 200 | 424 | 220 |
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Correct me if I'm wrong... but your WinMTR is not tracing to the Oceanic servers... is the American Servers, you should be setting up WinMTR to trace to which is the Sydney Servers.

Crap thanks man...didnt even realise id done that...
here's a thought, is it occuring on realms that have "NOT" been merged , for example ive seen alot of posts from cael/nagrand , these servers were merged.

i've seen alot of posts from barth/frost , these servers were merged as well.

Is it happening on isolated realms, ie non merged realms ?

is this perhaps a symptom of a pre existing problem , the issue where when you try to invite a person from caelestraz and your on nagrand it says "player not found" even though they are standing literally in front or when you send a tell to a player from caelestraz and your on nagrand and even though they are right next to you it says "player not found".

just a thought.

its worth looking at servers that are not merged and seing if they are having the same issue. Maybe the netowrking that control cross realm phasing cannot account for the merged servers..