Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

I am just getting home from work now. I am going to start playing now. It is 5:30pm in Sydney right now. Peak time is about to start. If you have no server engineers and testers on from this point forward, and you haven't in the past, then this is why you aren't finding the issue. You must bring engineers in to test during OUR peak ours.
I think they mentioned a few times they're bringing in the EU team to take over for the US since their time is more applicable for when we're experiencing the issue. Report it here with the info they requested and let's see if they follow through on speaking to each individual user to see if they can isolate the problem.
09/07/2018 12:22 AMPosted by Imtwelvehaha
It's happening now.

    Stormsong Valley
    Right now

Hopefully someone's still watching from Blizzard's end.

Just came here to say the exact same thing.

Are there zero people that work for Blizzard in Australia that can jump onto one of their toons to confirm what has been said about this issue from day 1 of this thread/expac?
I play on Barthilas. I normally get around 133ms but since Tuesday maintainance it is over 160ms now and sometimes it is really laggy.
Please fix it for Oceanic servers please.
The most expensive xpac and by memory since when WoW begun the WORSE lag experience of any xpac.

1 month on and everyone still in general in certain zones complaining about 1-3 second delays.

You can't use the "it's launch week" excuse anymore, there's a serious issue that we never got any other xpac. Is it warmode? What is it? We're paying subscriptions and massive xpac costs to just have near unbearable lag 1/2 of the week in peak times.
Stormsong Valley
Right now

I realm transferred to avoid the 180ms of latency caused by the global route (shame Bilzz blames the ISP instead of routing AU traffic over a private network, we pay enough!)

Paid for BFA based on off-peak server performance.

Now the server performance is so bad it's not playable.
I was speaking to GM Sadoryanne in-game not long ago and the lag is ramping up a bit now. Please get back in touch if you see this.

Stormsong Valley
Right now

EDIT: By ramping up I mean I can't Fel Rush. This is the PERFECT time for Blizzard to take a look.

Lot of complaining in general chat, and seeing names coming from Drak'thul, Skywall, AeriePeak and Sargeras so something weird is happening with the sharding.
It is actually getting worse right now.

Time to go play some poker.

GL. finding the issue.
Instanced BG in Seething Shore then Boralus
Right now

Note: The ping started rising to the US standards (200-300) but then went into the thousands (5-6k). Once in an instance, the latency does not stop rising.
Boralus - (At training dummies)
Right now

Just attacking the training dummies near flight path in Boralus is a horrible experience.

Please come shard to exactly where I am and I'll show you.
Stormsong Valley
Levelling up doing quests
Warmode OFF
26ms home
28ms world

It's so laggy my Fists of Fury channels indefinitely and doesn't do any damage at all.
2-3 second delay on all other actions.
Hopefully it lets me leave this link here as the most likely reason why OCE people lag: https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/life-in-the-slow-lane-australia-has-slower-internet-than-kenya-20171004-gytril.html
09/07/2018 01:59 AMPosted by Kyarlee
Hopefully it lets me leave this link here as the most likely reason why OCE people lag: https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/life-in-the-slow-lane-australia-has-slower-internet-than-kenya-20171004-gytril.html
In this case its NOT our connections as stated for the last 45 pages...
09/07/2018 01:59 AMPosted by Kyarlee
Hopefully it lets me leave this link here as the most likely reason why OCE people lag: https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/life-in-the-slow-lane-australia-has-slower-internet-than-kenya-20171004-gytril.html

This has nothing to do with it at all. My ping is anywhere from 6 to 12, unless I join a group not led by an Oceanic based player, for both world and home. Everywhere else in game is fine. If I log onto my pally, who is level 90, and go play anything pre-BFA the game if fine. It's only BFA zones that it's a problem.

Country: New Zealand
ISP: 2 Degrees
Server: Frostmourne
Latency: 31 (home) | 31 (world)
Current Time: 8:55pm
Current Zone: Stormsong Valley
Character: Monarkh
Group: None
Battlemode: Off
Issue duration: This issue has been present during my entire time questing in Stormsong Valley. Approximately 45 minutes.
Issue description: Intermittent and inconsistent input lag/delay. Delay is anywhere from 1-3sec at any random point in time during questing.

As stressed by other people with the same issue, the commonality between everyone's experiences leads me to believe that sharding is causing this issue.

I have never had any issues with my connection in any other Blizzard game. This is undoubtedly an issue server side, and unrelated to my ISP or local network.

I work as a support technician for an IT company here in New Zealand. If you require further information, please let me know, and please be specific.

I will be monitoring this thread for replies to my comment.

09/07/2018 02:04 AMPosted by Talanis
09/07/2018 01:59 AMPosted by Kyarlee
Hopefully it lets me leave this link here as the most likely reason why OCE people lag: https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/life-in-the-slow-lane-australia-has-slower-internet-than-kenya-20171004-gytril.html

This has nothing to do with it at all. My ping is anywhere from 6 to 12, unless I join a group not led by an Oceanic based player, for both world and home. Everywhere else in game is fine. If I log onto my pally, who is level 90, and go play anything pre-BFA the game if fine. It's only BFA zones that it's a problem.

I connected to a group lead by Frostmourne and everyone blamed the exact opposite: "I'm lagging now, must be that Skyfag in the chat slowing us down". You guys don't know whats causing it, and when your nation is slower than Soviet Bloc nations and nations like Kenya, how can you even be so sure its because of blizzard's server and not a failure of Aussie internet to link internationally?
So Blizz finally take us seriously, but test at the wrong time of day? *facepalm*
6th Report:

| WinMTR statistics |
| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
| - 0 | 645 | 645 | 0 | 0 | 109 | 99 |
| - 0 | 645 | 645 | 12 | 12 | 110 | 101 |
| - 0 | 645 | 645 | 12 | 12 | 123 | 112 |
| as4826.brisbane.megaport.com - 1 | 641 | 640 | 12 | 12 | 25 | 12 |
|ten-0-0-0-3.cor01.bne03.qld.VOCUS.net.au - 0 | 645 | 645 | 24 | 24 | 132 | 120 |
| BE-109.cor02.syd04.nsw.VOCUS.net.au - 1 | 638 | 636 | 26 | 27 | 33 | 28 |
| BE-101.bdr01.syd03.nsw.VOCUS.net.au - 1 | 642 | 641 | 27 | 32 | 379 | 28 |
| static- - 0 | 645 | 645 | 26 | 27 | 110 | 27 |
| No response from host - 100 | 129 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| No response from host - 100 | 129 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| No response from host - 100 | 129 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| - 0 | 645 | 645 | 24 | 24 | 48 | 24 |
| - 0 | 645 | 645 | 26 | 27 | 94 | 26 |
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

This was recorded in Tirigarde Sounds between 7:25pm - 7:35pm AEST.
24 ms ping recorded throughout but the usual input lag present. This is peak time Australian players just getting in from work, having had dinner and settling down to get playing.
Character I was playing on was Alicenne, the mage on Frostmourne Oceanic.

Please ensure you test during our PEAK hours. Not during the early hours for us as not many of us are on and any data you collect will be not helpful as the issues are not during those times mostly.

Thanks and hope these reports are proving useful.
09/07/2018 02:24 AMPosted by Dahlee
So Blizz finally take us seriously, but test at the wrong time of day? *facepalm*

That is the million dollar question.
<span class="truncated">...</span>

This has nothing to do with it at all. My ping is anywhere from 6 to 12, unless I join a group not led by an Oceanic based player, for both world and home. Everywhere else in game is fine. If I log onto my pally, who is level 90, and go play anything pre-BFA the game if fine. It's only BFA zones that it's a problem.

I connected to a group lead by Frostmourne and everyone blamed the exact opposite: "I'm lagging now, must be that Skyfag in the chat slowing us down". You guys don't know whats causing it, and when your nation is slower than Soviet Bloc nations and nations like Kenya, how can you even be so sure its because of blizzard's server and not a failure of Aussie internet to link internationally?

Maybe if our world/home ping was reading terrible I would agree with you..
But considering I currently have a world/home reading of 18 each and I have a 5 second delay I'll disagree with you there.
Plus no lag issues on ANY other game - HoS, Destiny2, Overwatch.
PLUS none of us ever had this problem *AT ALL* until BFA sharding.