Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

posting winmtrs isn’t going to help anything. People have been posting them for 6 months now. The issue is still, and has always been server side and a result of the completely broken sharding system. Implementing the warmode system put too much strain on an already unstable system, and I’m pretty sure the ones who put it in the game are quite well aware of that fact. Frankly the cost it would take to fix the issue at this stage is not part of their cost-cutting policy, so it’s unlikely there will ever be a satisfactory solution.

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Hey all,

I’ve removed the post requesting winMTRs for now, since the issue we are looking at in this thread is unrelated to the issue we were gathering information for. We had some reports and data surrounding increased latency, so we’re looking to get some clarification to see if this is actually related in some way to the current reports of this issue. However the overall action/loot delay issue still has a large number of separate causes.

We may come back to request some additional information to see if we can use it to make another improvement in the future, but for now we’re just clarifying with the developers and network folks.

I subscribed for one month to try out the new raid, and was disappointed to find that this lag issue is still ongoing. It is not so bad that it’s unplayable, but it is extremely off-putting, to the point where I don’t want to do any outdoor activity in BFA zones anymore.

This problem only started in BFA, despite there being sharding and cross-realm tech in place for the last few expansions.

Just wanted to add my voice to the crowd, in hopes that someday, somehow, this problem gets fixed and I can finally enjoy the most basic part of the game again.

To reiterate:

This problem is characterised by intermittent lag spikes, causing delays in ability use/npc interactions of more than 1 seconds, without any apparent increase in latency as shown by the ingame latency indicator. Only happens in BFA zones.



Just so we are clear, and I am well aware I am just one person, one sub, I really dont matter in the end…but this is one of the reasons I am leaving. Nearly six months in , I am utterly gobsmacked that we are no closer to a fix.

We didnt have this problem in Legion…and right now, it feels like we never got Aussie servers.


:cry: Don’t go friend!!
Will you at least be on the forums still (while unsubs are able to be)?

I thought I would love warmode…in the end the tech just screwed the servers completely (I can only imagine this is what caused it as they were fine up until that point)

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Hey all,

In relation to my previous post, we added some more clarification on what we’re looking for with the winMTR tests and made a separate thread for it to keep it from cluttering this one. A few quick higher level points from the thread:

  1. The new thread is for players who are getting a latency increase WITH the lag we’ve been investigating in this thread
  2. We’re pretty sure this isn’t the only issue but we still want to investigate it.
  3. We’ve already done some other changes and added telemetry into the game client files to make gathering data for this earlier, they just haven’t fully resolved it yet.

If “higher than normal latency on Oceanic servers while lagging” describes your issue, please grab the information at this link for us and post there.

Do you even understand what is actually happening from this post?

“This thread is for players who are getting a latency increase WITH the lag we’ve been investigating in this thread”
If they are having issues with latency, they can start a new forum post, latency is generally local side/ISP issues.

“We’re pretty sure this isn’t the only issue but we still want to investigate it.”
Investigating still after 6 months? Pretty sure if your access engineers have yet to figure out what the issue is at this stage than maybe they should have been fired instead of all the other people from the layoff.

“We’ve already done some other changes and added telemetry into the game client files to make gathering data for this earlier, they just haven’t fully resolved it yet.”
This isn’t a local side issue that you can “retrieve data” for.

  1. I’ve mentioned long ago that this is to do with the sharding tech getting back end congestion on server side, as soon as there is an influx in people on a shard, whether by using the LFG or whatever than it starts lagging, also during peak time.
    Latency won’t show on shard side congestion as latency to the wow servers are completely fine and unaffected as you can clearly see by multiple people saying it’s only happening in the BFA areas, this means that all other zones are fine.

Let’s look at the difference between older zones and the newer BFA zones?
Ohh would you look at that, the only difference is the amount of people in the zone at one time. How shocking!

Either increase capacity for the shards on oceanic realms or add more shards to separate a mass flux of players to off-hand the load. Or does blizzard as a company not want to pay for more?

The only reason this has yet to be fixed is because of greed, stop wasting peoples time to just make it look like “you are looking into it”. The only way the access engineers wouldn’t know what’s causing it is if you are either employing apes or people who have never done any form of CCNA+ training, both of which are 99% unlikely.


A bump, just to keep this thread valid. It’s sad, but the truth of it is, this is the customer base just giving up on Blizzard. We’re at the point now where we just don’t see a solution being brought to the table at all, and nobody wants to spend their time or hard earned money on a game that is fundamentally broken, with no signs of a fix after 6 months. I really hope things turn around, I truly do, but it really does seem like a lost cause.


So 6 months on and it’s still happening…great stuff!!

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Place: Boralus
Character: Aehl
WM off
2 second lag in interaction.
2 second mount lag.
3 second vendor lag.

Still not fixed…and no one has yet answered me as to whether or not this is to do with war mode.

I decided to come back at the behest of a friend of mine paying a sub for a month for me. I came back and this problem is still ongoing? This reeks of either blatant incompetence or just indifference to our issue in general.

I would open a ticket requesting a free character transfer back to US servers since I can hardly play out in the open world on OCE servers but I’m pretty sure I know how that would be answered. I transferred over here with most of my characters in Legion to join my friends guild, but I would have stayed on US servers if I knew OCE realms were going to be this broken in BfA. I think I’m just going to play what remains of my characters on US servers until this month my friend paid for runs out.

This, plain and simple, reeks of incompetence of the highest order. I hate to be hostile about this, but my lord, you would think that a company as large as Blizzard (and by extension, Activision-Blizzard) would have been able to put the time needed behind finding out why this is happening to a large cross-section of your player base (speaking of Oceanic servers and players) but it appears as if you either don’t care or don’t have skilled enough people to figure out the problem. I believe it’s the former rather than the latter.

Just for shgrins, I’ll post here which character I’m currently experencing this on right now. I know it probably will do zero good and they probabably aren’t even looking into this, but whatever.

Character: Xulrian
Server: Saurfang
Location: Drustvar
Loot Lag, Ability Lag, Input Lag. 2-3 seconds.

We’ve been patient and understanding for six months. Either fix the problem, or issue free server transfers to US servers until the problem is fixed. Otherwise, you’re further perpetuating the problem by not giving us any information and continuing to say “We’re looking into it”.



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So, has the issue been finally solved or has the community just given up?

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given up. It’s clear we’re not going to see a solution, and they are more focused now on the portal issue anyway, so this thread is being put on the back burner yet again.


just a bump


Given up. The issue doesn’t occur for me as often as it used to but it is still there. Blizzard have handled this entire situation very poorly and I have lost of lot of confidence in their ability to deliver a quality, stable game experience.


Thank you Blizzard for giving us all some free game time. It was a great way to verify this still happens and reaffirms my decision not to resub because of it.

Well done.


No change,hit kill command make coffee come back,twang!

This latency monster came back again last night. And it HAS to come back during raid.
On Singtel Singapore. With around 140ms for the past 2 weeks. During raid it spiked up to 6s and stabilize at 205ms. Until now.

And why the f does WinMTR includes link in my post?

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 1 286 284 0 2 10 4
bb219-74-47-254.singnet.com.sg - 1 290 289 0 7 83 7 - 1 290 289 0 5 19 8 - 1 290 289 0 5 23 5
ae8-0.qt-cr03.singnet.com.sg - 0 289 289 3 5 24 6
ae12-0.qt-er05.singnet.com.sg - 0 289 289 3 5 19 8 - 0 289 289 3 7 72 5 - 0 289 289 3 7 87 30
unknown.telstraglobal .net - 0 289 289 3 6 34 7
i-93.sgpl-core02.telstraglobal .net - 0 289 289 5 7 19 7
i-15350.pthp-core02.telstraglobal .net - 0 289 289 144 147 157 148
i-10353.sydo-core03.telstraglobal .net - 0 289 289 172 175 184 176
i-0-0-0-1.sydo10.bi.telstraglobal .net - 0 289 289 144 146 173 146
unknown.telstraglobal .net - 0 289 289 142 144 165 144
et-0-0-48-br01-eqsy4.as57976 .net - 1 285 284 204 209 280 208
et-0-0-0-pe02-eqsy4.as57976 .net - 0 289 289 142 146 211 147 - 1 285 284 204 206 216 207
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

That is an entirely different latency issue than the one this thread has been built on. You might want to check a different thread about visible latency spikes, you might find more answers there.


I have been away for three weeks. Came back anticipating some improvement (I know, hopeless optimist).
Worse than ever. All times during the day, my latency showing as normal but the game is barely playable.
Ironically the one area I don’t seem affected is in Raids.