Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

Where: Drustvar near the coast

When: Now

Toon I was on: My pally.


Warmode off.

4 to 5 seconds on loot lag, 2 to 3 second cast lag. Lag started about an hr or so ago.

Just so over this.
Drakuloth: we are headed now for December and the new patch will be out soon.

Are we going to still have this issue ongoing?
Its kinda amusing just how much of a shambles it has turned into, and yet what's worse than the lag issue itself, is the utter lack of communication or effort to resolve it quickly. I understand it's a complicated system to delve into, but if they had to reimburse people game time for how many days we've lost, it would have been dealt with long before now. Funny how motivation works...

It wouldn't at all surprise me that IF they do eventually fix it, they won't say anything about it so that they won't have to give people any compensation for the time they've lost in subs or an apology.

And blizz wonder why people are walking away... Maybe it has something to do with abysmal communication and goodwill with their paying customers.

You'll never keep people playing if you don't listen or care about the people that play. The lack of interest or effort in fixing this issue alone pretty much shows that, and all we get is another 2 weeks of no communication, followed by 'we're working on it, no eta'...

I'd almost say its unbelievable, but then they seem to keep amazing us with new ways on frustrating their paying customers. It's a great business model...
Place : Drustvar near giant yetis.

Server: Aman'Thul

Time: 1136pm -= not even peak time.

Toon: My pally


Warmode off


4 to 5 seconds on loot lag, 2 to 3 second cast lag. Skinned a mob and just stood there for five seconds waiting for the loot window to come up. Clicked on loot REPEATEDLY to get it into my bags.
Yeah it's worse on OCE servers but it's present for a bunch of NA servers still too. Was on Arygos-Alliance and it was a rotating wheel of which Kul Tiras zone was unplayable that day. I transferred to Zul'jin-Horde and it's still a nightmare. Perfect ping, perfect paths when using Blizzard's recommended tools, with and without addons, etc. It's just, every day, one of the Kul Tiras zones having normal latency (30) but god awful loot lag and ability delays to the point I just can't play in that zone.

This popped up in the evening of initial launch day, so that Monday, and despite starting fine. Stormsong just went bananas then after that point, the wheel of lag started spinning picking the zone that gets to deal with it. I even talked to the folks at Blizz CS on Twitter and was told nothing was wrong, despite other people in the zone experiencing the same, same issue at a different house with a different ISP, etc.
Seems to me like Blizzard is just going to keep burying their heads in the sand. They are too busy making mobile games that no one wants, instead of fixing issues with with their products that people actually use.
11/04/2018 09:09 AMPosted by Iskyra
I even talked to the folks at Blizz CS on Twitter and was told nothing was wrong, despite other people in the zone experiencing the same, same issue at a different house with a different ISP, etc.

This was a common response we got in the early days of it happening on Oceanic. We were told in individual contact with Blizzard that they couldn't see anything wrong, it had to be us.

We started talking about this issue on 17th August. It is now 3rd November and it still isn't fixed, although its marginally better. Probably because a lot of Oceanic players have got sick of it and just stopped playing.
lol... still not fixed. Probably too busy working on WoW Immortal.

Unsub. I did.
11/04/2018 08:28 PMPosted by Misere
lol... still not fixed. Probably too busy working on WoW Immortal.

Unsub. I did.

Yup, same. Have been for awhile.

It went from annoying, to frustrating, to sad, to amusing, to pathetic and finally landing on just being floored by the lack of care and the sheer amount of incompetence with handling the issue.

See you all on Netease's WoW2 boyz.
Surprise surprise this is still going, sharding and forced crz are at fault here and it's so deeply incorporated into the BfA systems thanks to War Mode they cannot remove it. No wonder why this game is going to dirt when it's run by a bunch of monkeys.
I stopped playing about a month and a half ago because of this awful lag and the fact that BfA is the first expansion that I haven't enjoyed in any way. It's possible I'll check out 8.1 once it drops but that'll be pretty unlikely if this level of customer/technical support continues.

Almost a month since the last blue posted an update. Goes to show their level of care when it comes to this issue. Oh well, back to FFXIV.
I couid do a report each day and the report would be the sase so i dont see why I should bother.

"I had to log off my levelling toon because the server lag made the gameplay feel like a 14.4 baud dial up modem" - whilst at 78.25 mbps.
I had to make my own thread in regards to latency issue, As the Oceanic Latency issues thread is literally being ignore. 4 Days of post from people showing there's still an issue and no response.

My thread has gone completely ignored, Despite other threads being posted to and replied to from support going on. Actually so incredibly disappointed in Blizzards lackluster communication, To the point where I'm probably going to have to stop playing as they refuse to acknowledge the issue.
They have, Nazh: it just isnt an easy fix.

I am as frustrated as anyone, but Drak's comments previously have outlined the problem, and he is right, it isnt a question of push a few buttons and there we are..far from it.

They havent said it but I can guess how this came about, and it boils down to two words.

War mode. The sharding is borked and my money says that this is the proximate cause.
And that makes ignoring the people that are effected ok? The last blue post was 4 days ago, saying the issue was fixed. Since then people have continued to show it has not. I have gone as far as making my own post In an attempt for any form of recognition, yet nothing. It’s inexcusable and reflects very poorly on how the issue is being managed. Regardless of the greater intricacies of the issue, the first thing the support staff should be doing is at least acknowledging the people affected instead of downright ignoring them. It’s disgusting.
The fact of the matter though Nazh (and I'm following your thread as well) is that they haven't ignored us, they just haven't communicated as much as you yourself are looking for in this instance. The trouble is though the more time they spend communicating with us on it, the less time that's going into the issue itself being fixed. The more different threads we make the harder it actually becomes for the tech team because they have to spend hours finding all the diff threads; there should only be one so they have a single resource to get data from.

They didn't say the issue was fixed, they said they made changes. People still had issues, some actually found resolution in it, as such, they're continuing to work on it.

And before anyone pulls the "We pay for a service" argument; do you complain to your internet provider when an outage happens and demand a refund on your entire bill? If the world worked like that businesses wouldn't thrive.

People just need to have some patience :| It ain't easy but I'm one of these people suffering too and all we can do is hold on till they fix it.
11/05/2018 04:23 PMPosted by Bigdøink
The fact of the matter though Nazh (and I'm following your thread as well) is that they haven't ignored us, they just haven't communicated as much as you yourself are looking for in this instance. The trouble is though the more time they spend communicating with us on it, the less time that's going into the issue itself being fixed. The more different threads we make the harder it actually becomes for the tech team because they have to spend hours finding all the diff threads; there should only be one so they have a single resource to get data from.

They didn't say the issue was fixed, they said they made changes. People still had issues, some actually found resolution in it, as such, they're continuing to work on it.

And before anyone pulls the "We pay for a service" argument; do you complain to your internet provider when an outage happens and demand a refund on your entire bill? If the world worked like that businesses wouldn't thrive.

People just need to have some patience :| It ain't easy but I'm one of these people suffering too and all we can do is hold on till they fix it.

I've had patience, for near on two weeks. The first week I figured blizzard would just figure it out, The second being this one, Has left me dissatisfied and disgruntled.

I've seen at least 5 post in the last 3 days get replies within an hour, Why does mine go on ignored? why no further updates to the other thread?

Take two god damn minutes to communicate with your customers instead of leaving them in the dark, Making them feel like garbage. It says a lot to blatantly ignore a problem, rather than taking accountability and attempting to make amends, Even if a lot may be out of their control.
11/05/2018 04:33 PMPosted by Nazh

I've had patience, for near on two weeks. The first week I figured blizzard would just figure it out, The second being this one, Has left me dissatisfied and disgruntled.

I've seen at least 5 post in the last 3 days get replies within an hour, Why does mine go on ignored? why no further updates to the other thread?

Take two god damn minutes to communicate with your customers instead of leaving them in the dark, Making them feel like garbage. It says a lot to blatantly ignore a problem, rather than taking accountability and attempting to make amends, Even if a lot may be out of their control.

Been waiting for just as long as you man, not trying to diminish your point. If they were genuinely/blatantly ignoring the problem they wouldn't have already attempted a preliminary fix. The fact they tried? We aren't being ignored. Saying you expect them to just 'figure it out' goes to show you haven't done a lot of consideration as to what could be going on their side of the fence. I understand your anger but taking it out on them is not constructive. Not every issue can be solved in a simple hotfix to live servers.

If they give us an update that says 'still looking into it' with no new information because, you know, they might not have it, then people will get !@#$ty about it. Same way they say nothing, people still get %^-*ty. For all we know, in their eyes they already took the 2 minutes to speak to us and can't provide any new information, so again all we can do is wait.

The issue is widespread too, it's affecting ALL of their games, so you gotta remember the tech team is spread among all their products trying to solve a global problem. If 100,000+ people have the issue, and they take 2 minutes to reply to each one, that's 200,000+ minutes that could have been spent searching further to solve the problem. It ain't easy balancing customer service with fixing a product to maintain said service.
I'd be a lot more pliable if the issue was addressed as ongoing and that attempts are being made to rectify them. As it stands, nothing has been said since the last "Fix". Communication and benefit of the doubt goes both ways.
11/05/2018 04:49 PMPosted by Bigdøink
The issue is widespread too, it's affecting ALL of their games, so you gotta remember the tech team is spread among all their products trying to solve a global problem. If 100,000+ people have the issue, and they take 2 minutes to reply to each one, that's 200,000+ minutes that could have been spent searching further to solve the problem. It ain't easy balancing customer service with fixing a product to maintain said service.

If the tech team is indeed facing an issue of this magnification, then wouldn't common sense say put out a public notice to address the issue and say its being worked on and it's not an easy fix. Problem solved...

They do that when people are having issues logging in with authentication servers etc. Something tells me that might hurt their public image though. So instead they'll try keep it hush hush and just occasionally acknowledge the status within threads, and let people fester in the issues until they all quit.

Why wait for a million threads to be opened up? Instead they sit there with numerous threads, very little input, this 89 page thread in which the blue posts with info are drowned out by the multitudes of people complaining. I'd hardly call that balancing customer service with fixing an issue. Pretty simple and easy to put out a public notice saying its a known issue and with all the current information on it. Would be far more likely to keep people happy if blizz were up front and honest, than hoping people don't notice.

I know the issue is a hard fix for sure, but the approach of the communication is a far cry from common sense. Especially given the difficulty in fixing it and how widespread the problem is.

Good communication and honesty goes a long way to resolving complaints and issues.