Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

This is still happening, on NA servers as well.

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It’s an absolute joke - we are paying a subscription here and the game is laggy as.

Latency to the server is good but the server side is lagging. No issues with internet connection.

Fix your servers Blizzard - getting tired of pumping money into this game to simply face the same problem!


I feel like this is Deja vu all over again. Weren’t we just here literally exactly two years ago? Oh look, and the last blue post was from two years ago too.

GG Blizzard. I’d try to post something constructive but at this point…what’s the point? They’re clearly ignoring the problem hoping it will go away once people give up and stop playing just like last time.

Its like we dont even exsit to them

We exist just fine when it comes to hiking our subscription costs, but not for this apparently.

I cannot believe we are putting up with this rubbish yet again.

IIRC this issue started with the 8.1 patch.

The game has never felt locked in since then. Most of the time its bearable but never crisp like pre 8.1.

Especially bad on energy classes because it really feels like energy isn’t just lagging, it actually takes longer to generate a given amount.

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Server: Caelstraez
Character: Dreade
Location: Ardenweald

Sudden burst of lag, unable to interact with questiver to hand in a quest. The game is just locking up and it seems I will have to exit to get it to work.

How much longer do you want this to go on, Blizzard? How many Oceanic players do you want to lose before you fix this?

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Server: Caelstraez
Location: Bastion

As per post above, sudden burst of lag. Can type in chat but cant do anything with character. Have logged out and now character screen will not load.

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Yes, I just exited the game. I’m going to do something more enjoyable for a while because currently the game is not that.

Raise the price, not fixed a several year ongoing issue - blaming us instead of the actual issue - you are too cheap to provide the capacity required.

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Another day at not even prime time yet, another lagfest adventure and server crash.

Lovely. /sips tea

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Yep, oceanic crashing away.
Even in Warmode its laggy.

Yup, same issue.

In a dungeon, can watch everyone else run around and play normally, they say it looks like I’m stuck looting.

just got back in and server is crashing :frowning:

Server keeps crashing every couple of minutes forcing me to exit game.

Crashing again. Sometimes when landing in an area or when handing in quests.

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                               fritz.box -    0 |  162 |  162 |    0 |    0 |    2 |    0 |
|                   -    0 |  162 |  162 |    1 |    1 |    8 |    1 |
|        60-242-252-66.static.tpgi.com.au -    0 |  162 |  162 |   13 |   13 |   16 |   14 |
|     syd-apt-ros-agr11-be-15.tpgi.com.au -    0 |  162 |  162 |   12 |   13 |   15 |   13 |
|        27-32-160-132.static.tpgi.com.au -    0 |  162 |  162 |   12 |   13 |   15 |   13 |
|      203-219-107-206.static.tpgi.com.au -    0 |  162 |  162 |   13 |   13 |   16 |   13 |
|Bundle-Ether-13.win-edge901.melbourne.telstra.net -    0 |  162 |  162 |   13 |   14 |   43 |   13 |
|bundle-ether11.win-core10.melbourne.telstra.net -    0 |  162 |  162 |   13 |   14 |   16 |   15 |
|bundle-ether12.ken-core10.sydney.telstra.net -    0 |  162 |  162 |   22 |   23 |   26 |   23 |
|bundle-ether1.oxf-gw10.sydney.telstra.net -    0 |  162 |  162 |   23 |   24 |   39 |   23 |
|                   -    0 |  162 |  162 |   23 |   24 |   34 |   25 |
|           i-91.sydo10.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  162 |  162 |   22 |   23 |   26 |   23 |
|               unknown.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  162 |  162 |   24 |   28 |   99 |   24 |
|        et-0-0-48-br01-eqsy4.as57976.net -    0 |  162 |  162 |   26 |   38 |  152 |   27 |
|         et-0-0-0-pe01-eqsy4.as57976.net -    0 |  162 |  162 |   23 |   25 |   91 |   24 |
|                 -    0 |  162 |  162 |   23 |   23 |   27 |   24 |
|                  -    0 |  162 |  162 |   23 |   23 |   28 |   24 |
   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

OCE crashing again. Seriously how the hell is this still an issue? You’ve had 16 years to work and prepare for stuff like this. Beyond a joke at this point.

Can’t even get stable servers on a Tuesday during the day, what an absolute joke.

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                               fritz.box -    0 |  337 |  337 |    0 |    0 |    3 |    0 |
|                   -    0 |  337 |  337 |    1 |    1 |    8 |    1 |
|        60-242-252-66.static.tpgi.com.au -    0 |  337 |  337 |   13 |   13 |   17 |   13 |
|     syd-apt-ros-agr11-be-15.tpgi.com.au -    0 |  337 |  337 |   12 |   13 |   15 |   13 |
|        27-32-160-132.static.tpgi.com.au -    0 |  337 |  337 |   12 |   12 |   14 |   12 |
|      203-219-107-206.static.tpgi.com.au -    0 |  337 |  337 |   12 |   13 |   16 |   13 |
|Bundle-Ether-13.win-edge901.melbourne.telstra.net -    0 |  337 |  337 |   13 |   13 |   16 |   14 |
|bundle-ether11.win-core10.melbourne.telstra.net -    0 |  337 |  337 |   13 |   14 |   17 |   14 |
|bundle-ether12.ken-core10.sydney.telstra.net -    0 |  337 |  337 |   22 |   23 |   27 |   23 |
|bundle-ether1.oxf-gw10.sydney.telstra.net -    0 |  337 |  337 |   23 |   24 |   29 |   24 |
|                   -    0 |  337 |  337 |   23 |   24 |   31 |   24 |
|           i-91.sydo10.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  337 |  337 |   22 |   23 |   27 |   23 |
|               unknown.telstraglobal.net -    0 |  337 |  337 |   24 |   28 |  127 |   24 |
|        et-0-0-48-br01-eqsy4.as57976.net -    0 |  337 |  337 |   26 |   45 |  310 |   43 |
|         et-0-0-0-pe01-eqsy4.as57976.net -    0 |  337 |  337 |   23 |   26 |  130 |   23 |
|                 -    0 |  337 |  337 |   23 |   23 |   28 |   23 |
|                  -    0 |  337 |  337 |   23 |   23 |   29 |   24 |
   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

SAurfang still going on