Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

I did some herbing last night on Frostmourne and had to give it a miss as loot lag was approx. 10 seconds.
I am sure a Blizzard person will blame my setup for it thought…just like the character selection screen prior to 8.1 was player issues.

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4 Months and it is still not fixed.
Shows the level that Bliz cares…or lack of.


Yeah, I noticed it more coming back into 8.1 as well. Apart from the obvious issues I experienced in the post I set out above I had simply noticed that my DH felt a lot less fluid, it wasn’t crazy like it has been but enough of a delay before each delivery that it was very obviously felt.

It was like having a 2s GCD with a 0.5s ability activation time.

4 months and still not fixed. This is actually unplayable during peak hours to the point where world quests won’t even register!

Time to cough up some refunds Blizzard.


America is now experiencing these issues. Maybe a fix will come sooner because they don’t seem to care about Oceania. I cannot believe it is still happening. I am unsubbed and have been for about a month but I still follow the forums for some hope so that I can come back. There is no hope! ;(


Am I a bad person I’m sitting back and enjoying the forum slowly fill up with the US players complaining now too?

Feels very much like “well…we told you about this, but you ‘couldn’t confirm it’
… can you confirm it now?”

also bump; we still exist and we know.



Maybe they’ll actually fix… nah. They won’t.

If it gets fixed because it’s now happening on NA, it shows how little they actually give a crap about Oceanic customers.

If it doesn’t get fixed even though it’s happening on NA, it shows how little they actually give a crap about ANY of their customers.


Fool me 3 times…
I have heard this from you blue posters for FOUR MONTHS NOW. Sorry but i am just getting really REALLY tired of these issues all while i still pay monthly for your service.

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The lag in Orgrimmar especially during peaks is noticable. Is this because it’s not being sharded, or not sharded correctly?

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I’m really happy this is getting attention. On my end, the lag has lessened to the point the game is mostly playable for leveling with the odd spike but I would hate to try and seriously raid with it.

Spoke too soon. It’s worse than ever.

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Observation I’ve had when experiencing this.

There appears to be some input lag / modifier key confusion. When I’m lagging something that happens a lot is I’ll try to use my shift-number key for an ability and the number key will fire off, not the shift-number.

I suspect this is a client threading issue. When you’re in a busy area, input and the UI display layer seem to update when they feel like it, not when they need to.

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Some of us have been experiencing it on NA since the start with you all. It just didn’t affect the large servers so it flew under the radar, despite our complaints. Arygos has been a mess since expansion launch day when they put in the shard changes that evening because high pop servers were crashing entirely. I had to server transfer to be able to play the game again, but it popped up not long there after.

So it’s been around for awhile even for NA. It’s just now getting to full blown disruptive status instead of annoying and affecting more players.

I don’t in any way feel bad.

We ask Blizzard to fix this issue.


Ask an American “influencer” to bring attention to this issue because they have more reach than we Oceanic players do.


Ask Reddit to bring attention to it.

Get two comments

Nope, don’t care. At this point the amount of things that happen to Oceanic realms in all kinds of games that are glossed over/ignored by NA because it doesn’t affect them, I have no sympathy for anyone.


I live in California. I have had this problem since day one of BFA launch. I posted in a few of the numerous threads about it. Finally I was told by a Blue to start my own thread. I did that a few months ago and after a few weeks of no response I just gave up. I tried to open a ticket and found that the only way to contact a GM and not be directed to a tier one tech support article, was to claim disconnection problems. I got a copy paste tier one tech support article from the GM when I logged in the next day. I reached out to Youtubers, trying to get anyone to address the issue, tumbleweeds. I know how bad this feels.

IDK if it’s better or worse on America, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same problem. At least you got your complaints consolidated into one thread for visibility though. I’ve been on these forums off and on for the last 4 months and seen multiple small threads about it happening in NA since day one and somehow we didn’t even get our issue consolidated, just swept under the rug.

Honestly, all of the problems that people are complaining about in BFA are not deal breakers for me. It’s the fact that the game is unplayable that kills it. I can’t raid at all and I suspect that a large part of the population that has left the game are people in our situation who just can’t play the game and are not getting any help from Blizzard.

Massive server lag in Dazaralor and Orgrimmar. TEN SECONDS to log out. Fifteen to open gifts. Druid shapeshift is a three second cast.

Dont know whether to laugh or cry.

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Cancelled my sub over this. Absolutely pathetic effort by Blizzard to fix this.


It’s worse during incursions. Literally cannot move my character right now. I can jump. And use flightmaster whistle, but cannot move. Game still thinks I am in a goblin rocket for the last mission of the incursion in Nazmir.

This is beyond irritating.

I am having to log in and out to resolve the issue. Not acceptable.


Unsubbed until this is fixed. I’m seeing 0 feedback from Blizz letting us know when a fix is coming. It’s a shame this happened during the holidays. I Would have liked to get some solid play in with my time off but the game is unplayable in its current state.


That’s the thing though, it didn’t just happen at the holidays. It’s been an ongoing issue since the launch of the expansion, and it’s only gotten worse, now that people are logging in more for the holiday events. It really is rather sad that the company is more concerned with their bottom line than they are with the customers. It’s going to bite them though, because they are quickly heading down the same path as Bethesda, with their massive stock drops and loss of loyal customers.