Abilities not clickable (usable) in raids/dungeons?


I’ve had this problem since the middle of Legion. Sometimes when I’m in a raid or dungeon my buttons/abilities stop working. When I say stop working, I mean I can’t click them. My character still auto attacks and can move around but I can’t use/click any of my abilities.

I /reload but it doesn’t fix it unless I actually log out of the game. At first I thought it may be an addon issue but I have removed all my addons from my computer and then reloaded and it still happens. Typically this happens late in raids/dungeons for some reason. Like being in a raid or dungeon too long causes it or something.

I’ve trying googling this issue but have yet to find anything to fix it and this has been happening on and off since the Desolate Host in ToS (first time I remember it happening).

Any help would be amazing. Thanks.

Same here. On this character only, though. All of my other characters are unaffected.

Just had it happen to me in a dungeon and even after I explained this phenomena the top DPS threw the DPS chart in my face. Whatever this bug is, I can’t wait for it to happen to them.