Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Raid Finder Wing 4 Now Live!

LFR can hardly even be called raiding. There is no LFR version of M+. There is no level 70 heroic Temple of the Jade Serpent or level 70 heroic Vortex Pinnacle. You scored on your own goal with that point.

Hope you’ve had fun with timewalking recently


Getting downscaled to level 40 =/= level 70.


I’m glad we agree, mechanics are fun though!

Edit: normal progress should unlock lfr wings sooner

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Spelling is hard.

In other news, looking at the bosses of the raid – I think it would make more sense for the Assault of the Zaqali to be a roaming encounter. If the Djaradin are looking for their lost elder, they’d surely be moving throughout Aberrus, not parked in one corner just waiting for a band of murder-hobos to find them.

Granted, I haven’t seen the encounter myself so maybe this is already the case? But I doubt it.

All very nice, I just have one quick question: what do you want me to do in this raid as a Mage? Genuine question because there has been zero communication from you all since before the DF pre-patch. Am I expected to just buff my raid group with Arcane Intellect and then cosplay as a DPS for the entire run hoping that the damage and healing increase from the buff I provide to my teammates will offset the terrible damage profile of my own class? Would love an answer… any answer!


Someone has to make the sammiches for the team when we gets the hungries. <3 We value your snack making efforts!


Don’t Alliance raids just eat the gnomes?

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If you’re really pugging norm/heroic I have no idea why you would even touch LFR

Well, you miss my first comment on this thread…

The reason LFR wing delay was done in Throne of Thunder was because Lei Shen was pitched as a monstrously hard boss that Blizzard expected most guilds would not defeat early, even on Normal (which would be analogous to Heroic now). He was literally the exception, and therefore caused an exceptional move.

Normal mode currently explicitly exists as a significantly easier version of any raid that all but the ultra casual should finish in week 1 or week 2.

2-week delays per wing with the raid only being fully available after 1.5+ months has nothing to do with Determination, or the reasoning why they delayed LFR’s release back in Throne of Thunder. Even the reasoning they used for that does not apply currently in any way, because Normal mode’s entire purpose is to cut that off.

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BWL v3.0 here we come :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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The raid finder release schedule is way too long. It’d be better if you gave a wing every week for 4 weeks. There’s no reason to delay LFR as long as you do.


I got u! :man_mage: :man_cook: :bread: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

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I think LFR needs to be taken is one of two directions:

  1. Full access day one, but no determination stacks and reduced requirements to kick people. This way it becomes a queueable difficulty under normal but you still have to actually learn the fight.

  2. Make LFR a solo scenario with NPCs, gives one piece of loot for the first time completing the whole raid per character and is just called Story Mode. The bosses would be much shorter in length but still do their mechanics. This lets players see the story of the raid and dip their toes in the mechanics, but still directs them towards an actual difficulty in order to acquire loot.

If anyone has done LFR recently you should know why LFR should exist. It’s basically a containment raid for LFR heroes. I dont want to say all LFR players are bad, but some people probably shouldn’t be in a normal+ raid.

I already have Pictures of the Shadowflame Spells and Earth(of the Cosmic Force of Order) Spells from the Raid Bosses so I’m satisfied.

As you can guess I like to catalogue each “Element” I can get my hands on and file them away on my computer for Science’s sake.

Love Kazzara the Hell forged be cool if he was a mount you could earn.

Oh that’s rich coming from a Blood Elf! I’ve literally heard y’all joke about barbecuing Tauren! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

This made me giggle as a very bitter Mage player. I thank you lol.