
See now we know you’re just a trolling goober.

Your big story ended with this supposed plea for everyone to be good natured. If you knew making a forum post would get you 200g, then this is complete nonsense and you being no different than the clout chasing morons on Twitter and Instagram.

What a crock.

ask him what else you can do to earn your gold back, and call him senpai

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Sorry but there’s no way someone would fall for such an obvious bait on the auction house. You’d have to be otherworldly stupid. And then message someone named “scammerman” to beg for your gold back? No one could possibly be that dumb and pathetic.

This reeks of a troll post - move along people.

This happens alot.

Even streamers have fallen for this.

Not the for gold back part, but buying stuff out at a crazy price on accident.

Imagine buying gnpp for AQ, especially as a horde!

Lol, you act as if it’s an instant buy the moment you click buy out, it reads you the gold amount and you have to hit confirm, either that or you use some addon which is entirely on you.

Apparently, simple attention to details is now considered a super-power.

Agreed this post is weird. The taunting part and the 200g part. It’s almost like he posted the follow up because people called him out for overpaying so he made up a story to try to make himself look better.

The user he mentioned (I’m trying not to name and shame) does seem to be doing these things on this server so I could see part of the story being accurate.

The people that do it are dirt bags. I use the auctioneer addon, and I recommend anyone else who even occasionally uses the AH to d/l it. Stops crap like this happening.

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Not a scam just have to pay attention. People on my server are always listing things for 900g.

i’m cracking up at what the title and post were edited to.

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Was all of the commentary just too much? Alas no one block quoted the entire thing…

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I just remember, “something something, grab some popcorn and sit back, while I tell you an incredibly long story about how I bought some overpriced item on the AH…” and something about, “nature pots look nice in my bags.”