Abbreviations for the next three


I was told that this line of thinking can invoke “The Manager” earlier today.

Also, it’s TWW.

Y’all are like no fun.

Its just a rip off of b-dubs as well so why??? Warwit is my vote

Only if you’re a degenerate.

The War Within - WAR or Twar.
Midnight - Mid or MN
The Last Titan - Titan, Last, TLT

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tumors arent fun.


The joke was purely about the dumb abbreviation let’s not make it something it isn’t.

As far as text goes, I’m going with:

Shortening to WW or LT is also acceptable. Windwalker doesn’t matter if the context is talking about expansions. I’ll stick to TWW though.

Midnight is like Legion. Doesn’t need to be shortened. It’s 1 word. If it gets shortened, it’ll be ‘Mid’, which is fine, I won’t be upset if that becomes common. It’s only a partial meme, it still makes sense as a shorthand. Unlike a certain word people are pushing for TWW.

If we’re talking speaking out loud:
I’m probably not going to abbreviate The War Within other than taking ‘The’ Out. War Within is fine. I understand 'T Dubbs" or whatever as that’s probably as shortened as we’re gonna get it verbally short of just calling it “war”, which seems a bit too much IMO. No point in calling it “Tee Double You Double You” verbally. It’s longer than the actual name.

Midnight will be the same as text. Either not shortened at all, or shortened to “Mid”. I’ll be using the full name.

The Last Titan… again, probably just take out ‘The’ and call it ‘Last Titan’. Though it’s the only acronym that kinda works when trying to brute force a verbal pronunciation on it. I think I saw someone say they’re going to pronounce it “Tilt” and I think that’s fine in the same context as people who try to force “WotLK” as a joke. Probably still Last Titan when not being weird though. Tee - El - Tee also works. Same syllables as “Last Titan”.

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I don’t get that one since there is no “I” prior to titan.

Sure. On its own TLT is not pronounceable, so you fill the gaps with a vowel. It’s not something I expect people to do regularly.

I get that, but TNT has been not only an explosive, but a tv network for a very long time. I haven’t heard of anyone having trouble with that acronym so far. I don’t see how TLT is any different.

Yeah that’s fine, just pronouncing the letters works for TLT. I just noticed the Tilt thing because someone else brought it up. I’m not personally going to use TLT (verbally) since saying the actual name isn’t really any longer.

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WAR, Midnight, Titan

Gotta ask, why is this in all caps every time I see someone suggest it?
It’s not an acronym. It’s the first major word of the name.

To differentiate it from Warcraft or Warlords.

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Ok but neither of those were ever referred to as “war” and it being in caps doesn’t exactly separate it either

Okay, I have the solution. We call them Jeff, Ted, and Paul.

Larry, Curly, and Moe.

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But Curly is too many syllables. We may have to go with Shemp on this one.

We’all is just literate. :woman_shrugging: