Hey Verran +1,
Your post essentially summed up exactly what we are trying to build with our guild, Sèrendipity on Dalaran. We are a new alliance guild that purposely took a step back in progression to build something new.
Leadership was in an AOTC guild that was not interested in dabbling in Mythic, which meant those who wanted to had to pug it. Not ideal.
We are currently in process of gearing new and returning raiders in Normal Nyalotha, and we will be re-progressing Heroic starting this week as a guild. We are looking more towards the future given BFA is essentially over.
Our main goals and priorities are around achieving AOTC for every raid tier, while dabbling in Mythic instead of halting progression. We also run Mid-High M+ keys on offnights.
You can find out guilld spam here: [A][US][Dalaran] <Sèrendipity> Friendly Active Guild LFM - #18 by Werepanda-dalaran
But if interested we would rather meet over discord and run some keys or bring you guys along to heroic after reset tomorrow to see if we would be a fit. Feel free to add or ping either myself, or our GM in game if this sounds like what you are looking for. Info is below.
Bender#1870 - Bnet
Bender#1504 - Discord
Redonk56#1461 - Bnet
Redonkulous#0245 - Discord