[A] Zuljin (US) - 410 Monk LFGuild

Hey guys, I’m currently looking for guild, I play mostly mythics+ but now I want to make a switch to raiding, my main spect is mw but can play tank or dps if you need

battletag: wizwiz#1528


I added you on BTAG, but I’ll also put our copy/paste below for reference.

haosbeards is now recruiting for a mythic roster and heroic crucible.

About Chaosbeards:

Chaosbeards is a new guild on Dalaran that comes from a AOTC raid team on Galakrond/Blackhand. We’re a group of friends that wanted a place to test our abilities, have transmog themed raid nights, and have a good time. We’re also open to casuals who want a solid community of active players always looking some one for mythic+, raids, transmog runs and more. (Beards are not required join)

Raid Schedule:

8pm - 11pm EST Tuesday
8pm - 11pm EST Thursday - Pickup day as needed. Otherwise Mythic+ night.

Raid Expectations:

We take a serious but healthy approach to raiding with the expectation of doing more in less time. This means doing research, coming prepared to fights, self accountability, and a willingness to learn and improve. We are all AOTC raiders, some with mythic experience and are looking for a few more raiders to bolster our roster with the goal of mythic progression. We also have regular mythic+ keystone groups.

Expectations for Recruitment:

We expect consistent performance representative of your gear level and a level-headed professional attitude, but we don’t necessarily demand top-tier mythic raiding output. Applicants will go through an interview followed by 2-3 weeks of raiding as trial status.


You can contact me via bnet, Devisaur#1300.

Looking for strong healer.

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord

 <Goonies Never Say wipe> 

On Zuljin US

Hey I’d love to talk to you about our heroic raid group we raid one day a week on Sunday nights from 6pm to 10pm EST Saturday night optional normal / heroic alt raid we are 9/9 heroic and 1/9 mythic with Grong at 50% and hoping to grab a few more mythic kills going forward and also getting ready for Crucible of storms we always get Aotc we run mythic plus 10 or higher keys daily we are all around or over 1100 IO heres my battle tag Mako#1649 hope to hear from you

(9/9H) is looking for a Tank to join us on our raid nights Sun/Mon from 8-11 Est. We also do M+ sporadically during the week. If this interests you feel free to message me L0rdKanti#1550

[A](Wyrmrest Accord) House Brighthammer is looking to round out its raid team for Dazar’alor and beyond. We would like to add a Mistweaver to our family at this time.

Our progression team raids Sunday and Monday 7 - 10 PM PST, with family nights in normal on Wednesdays at the same time. We are a semi-casual AOTC focused guild (currently 8/9H, 1/9M), and prefer to progress in raids with a team of people we enjoy spending time with, and who are willing to work together. We require Discord and DBM or BigWigs for raid progression. The progression team dabbles in Mythic raid, on occasion.

We do Mythic Dungeons, world content, achievements, mount hunting, and sometimes PvP together whenever possible in our non-raid times. We would also like to set up more M+ teams, and would like to add some folks who enjoy tanking and healing those.

I would love to have a chat with you and set up a trial if Brighthammer seems like it would suit your needs. I am usually online in game between 10 AM and 10 PM PST. You can reach me by Btag at Aristiri#1425 or DM me at Aristiri#9181.

Hey there!

Our guild is looking to pick up a couple new friends :slight_smile: We’re on Aerie Peak, but have some friends who join us from other servers so transferring ASAP isn’t a requirement for us (tho of course we’d prefer it happen eventually, especially for mythic!)

We’re a pretty relaxed group of people who, while we take what we do seriously, are looking to have fun and do what we can as a team! We want to progress but the well being of our raiders is top priority. We are a primarily heroic guild, but like to try our hand at some casual mythic once we have heroic on farm. We had AoTC for all Legion Tiers, and were 8/8H 2/8M for Uldir.

Currently we are 9/9H and 1/9M for BoD, 2/2N for CoS.

Our raid times are:
Wednesday 8-11 PM Pacific
Thursday 8-11 PM Pacific
Friday 8-11 PM Pacific (Optional fun run/alt run)

If you’re interested and have any questions, or just want to hear more I can be reached at Phes#11476 (Bnet) or Murryblue#1461 (Discord.)