[A] [Whitemane] <YIKES> 10/10 SSC/TK - 3 Raids! LF ALL!

Gotta tap it up once again

Beep boop.

Cool dudes, check em out!

Roster starting to fill out, come apply!

Maybe we’ll see a beta soon? Please blizz? :kissing_heart:

bump for the boys

Need that release date to take time off, cmon blizz :kissing_heart::sunglasses:

I can’t plan my life until classic release date reeeeeeeeeeee

I hear a beta is soon, hopefully anyway

Announced today?

August Twenty Seventh!

Later than I’d like but my life can now continue

Classic hype!

Bump Bumpidty

Best of luck to getting into the beta!

Ready to test the real leveling routes

August can’t come soon enough!

Going up again!

Fingers crossed!

(heavy breathing)