[A] [WHITEMANE-PVP] [Casual to Semi-Hardcore] [Morning & Evening Raids] [Fun & Community Focused] Looking for Vets & 1st Timers

Welcome to the guild.

love this group very friendly and open to everyone!

Thank you for the guild invite and can’t wait till Monday to start playing with all of you.

Welcome to the Guild!

Just gotta get through the weekend!

Those of you who have messaged me I will be getting back to you. I’ve had a busy morning and tons of messages to join. Trying to get through them one by one. Be patient! Thanks all!

:grinning: bump

Getlucky and Bonez - welcome to STING! Glad to have you both!

What classes do you still need?

Accepting everyone :slight_smile: This was our last class count:

Druid - 10
Hunter - 7
Mage - 9
Paladin - 10
Priests - 11
Rogue - 9
Warlock - 4
Warrior - 10

I’m interested, I started WoW in vanilla. This hunter was my first character. I made a Classic character under the same name. I also have a warlock i’m interested in leveling. Hard to choose which. I’m also an alt nut, so there is that too.


My wife and I are looking for a guild just like this! Any spots left in the morning raid group?

Hi Calibander,

Add me on discord and we can chat RedDog#0332

Jatha - yep, still room, add me as well.

Great! What classes are you looking for?

Just joined! Great group of players!

Hi Jatha,

Right now just play what you want to enjoy. It’ll all shake out

ok sent request

OK, sent a friend request. Excited!

Looking forward to Classic with you guys!

We are too, Mini! Welcome aboard!