(A) Warlock LF mythic guild for SL

About me:
I’m a 33 year old dude, that loves playing warcraft and various other games (mostly Dark Souls type games, Diablo 3 and Hearthstone Battle Grounds from time to time) just to name a few. I spend lot of my free time in wow doing keys. I love m+ and I’m really looking forward to SL m+ and hit the ground running where I plan to push into 10s the first week and hopefully get KSM knocked out early and push IO as much as possible.

I didn’t play a lot of BFA and only really raided the final tier of BFA and in Shadowlands I’m looking to hit the ground running when it comes to raiding and clear thru heroic content quickly and move onto mythic. While I have no burning desire to be top 100 or even top 300 player I would like to be able to achieve CE going forward.

Only interested in Alliance guilds

Class/spec choice
After testing demon hunter and warlock on beta for past few months I’ve fallen in love with affliction warlock and decide I’m going to swap to warlock for SL. I plan on maining affliction and off speccing destro.

Raider. IO

https:// raider. io/ characters/us /sargeras/ Cancerdots

https:// raider. io/ characters/us sargeras/ Gallerfrey

I plan on maintaining my lock and dh in SL but would much prefer to play lock as main but may be willing to stay DH for right guild.

Raid Time Availability:
I’m looking to raid 2-3 nights a week, with a preference on 2 nights but will consider 3 nights for right guild. Preferred raid days would be Tues/Thurs but open to Weds as well.

If you think I would be a good fit for your guild feel free to drop a message below or add me on Btag or Discord(both listed below).

Discord: Timelord of Gallifrey#3095
Bnet: Slytherin05#1744

Hey Gallerfrey,

“Libertas” is an Alliance Mythic raiding guild on Stormrage-US. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9pm-12am EST. We’re looking for experienced mythic raiders to bolster our mythic team.

We’re looking to maintain a roster of 24-26 players on a weekly rotation schedule. This affords us coverage in case of real life commitments and also allows people to progress at the same rate so we can avoid having a typical “bench.”

Our guild was founded in 2010 and we’ve focused on hardmode/mythic content ever since. We’ve prided ourselves on maintaining a drama-free, fair and respectful raiding environment ever since.

If this seems like something that interests you, we encourage you to submit an application through our website @ libertas.wowlaunch.com and our GM will get in contact with you to see if it’s a good fit.

Thank you for your consideration and best of luck in your guild search.


bump up :slight_smile:

Hello Gallerfrey!

I actually think you could be a great fit for us! We are a new guild that is looking to develop to a mythic progression team. Currently, our raiders have AOTC and/or some kind of mythic experience (either BFA or other expansions). While we are building, our goal is to get AOTC (if we are able to go into mythics for Castle [there is a chance we can-but we will not rush, so we can develop the best, but also fun team as possible], we absolutely will). We want to develop a raid team that loves to raid with each other and progress as far as we can.

That’s awesome you want to push keys! That is a couple of our guildies goals as well. I can speak for myself, that I am no where close to being the best. But, I want to push my IO and the highest keys I possibly can do, too! I’m trying to get better now, so I will be ready for SL.

We are a small guild on a smaller realm, that could use people like yourself, to help us reach our mythic goals!

If this sounds like the guild for you or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me anytime!
-Discord: Tano#7981
-Btag: Caseclosed#11853

Thank you!
