[A] Wanderlust - Stormrage 6/12M

New raid week bump!

I jumps for bumps.

Come and hang out with us! We be your friends!

bumped uwu


no uwu’s here. But bumps.

Bump! for the new week!

Please bump it up.

Preholiday bumps

Bumping for the Sunday!

HOLIDAY BUMPS! Happy Turkey day everyone!

New month, new resolve!

Bumping for Tuesday

While Santa is checking his list, come join us for group fun!

Bump for love

Happy Monday!

Bumping for end of raid week!

Bump uWu LoL XD :stuck_out_tongue: (’’’(^w^)/’’’)

Bump for Nya’lotha!

Diffident in the wake of his father’s death, high schooler Josh (Kevin Zegers) struggles to adapt to his new home in Washington state. That all changes, however, when he signs up to be the school basketball team’s manager and discovers that his pet dog Bud, a stray golden retriever he took in, can play the sport amazingly well. After Bud joins the team, Josh’s life brightens considerably, until the dog’s former owner Norm Snively (Michael Jeter) returns in hopes of reclaiming the pooch.

New RAID!!!