A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

You should know by now Stormpike Militia does not make idle threats

You’re a butthole

Oh please, stop. I have been that mom. This is a ridiculous thing to say. It’s world of WAR, not hugs. Trust me, I get wanting to unwind, the need for it but this isn’t it. You signed up to fight against other players, you win some, you lose some. Sometimes they have a premade, sometime you get a queue with a premade on your side. Find another part of the game to help you unwind if this doesn’t do it.

  1. Proof or it didn’t happen.

  2. How can you be so insensitive? Do you not care about your fellow players and their experiences? Where is your compassion? You are telling me that you are okay with a group of no-lifers explicitly breaking the rules of the game - rules Blizzard explicitly set up for the explicit purpose of fair game play so people can literally unwind at the end of the day and PAYING them to do so? Unbelievable. Some people…

  3. You are a part of a premade aren’t you. Admit it murderer of innocent pugs.

You’re honestly one of the biggest idiots on these forums. I’m not even angry. I’m impressed.

Yep, those mogs are dog doo doo.

Okay first wow, your still around. Good to see you. Second, you tell the story wrong. There was no rise against hydra. Just the removal of every man for himself racial with a buff to orc racial causing a massive exodus off ally making our ques go from instant to 15-20 mins resulting in our group being split into multiple battlegrounds.
Why are we back? Well Blizzard reversed what they did. Making orc racial part of the PvP trinket 2 set and making dark iron dwarves and night elfs the new flavor of the xpac.
Hope to see you in AV but I warn you savage alliance slayers has better and more players than hydra had.

Ur mog is bad, you should feel bad.

Honestly it’s one of the better bad mogs, you should feel proud!

:star: here have a gold star

Side note, all the people in the super secret club came to defend their mog and exposed them selves.

Mission failed successfully??

No one came in here over their mog that hadn’t already posted in here. Pay attention

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Lol. SAS just has slightly less knuckle draggers than Hydra, and their leadership doesn’t sling mud on the forums.

False. Queue times favor alliance currently and SAS premades despite that. Your little leader yagamort left you all to the care of zeelaraj while horde queue times were still short.

And anyway Stormpike Militia premaded AV and defeated many premades including Hydra all while our queue times were 20 minutes.

SPM has already secured one victory against Cinco herself and we’ve hardly begun

I somehow doubt horde and alliance both have 3-4 min EBG ques right now but I don’t play alliance so I’m not a great source for that info.
You guys cling to your rare wins so hard. No community is going to win every game. SAS won’t even reque if groups don’t all pop together they just say “GLHF” and enter the BG.
SAS has about a dozen big pumpers where there was only 5 in hydra, 2 in ICC. I’m doubtful SPM could even a slow down a SAS group with even one of the dozen above mentioned, definitely not one with 5+
To the other dude claiming hydra leaders came in here slinging mud that’s not true. Yaga only sent open invitations to anyone wanting to come play AV and a bunch of trolls took it upon themselves to claim being a victim and then relentlessly harass the guy on and offline. Should honestly be embarrassed with that behavior but I’m sure instead you’re (you know who you are) proud he doesn’t play anymore.
Hope to see Bobo again in AV my flag of ownership misses him.

It definitely is not usually long for either. Horde can get up there when specific queuing, but I successfully queued against SPM the other night in an AV. Kicked their behinds too :smiley:


That’s not how it started at all.

That is what started it. A few non-leaders came in and poped off but it was not any of the leadership team.

No. It all started when Mistwidget would queue into them, then come to the forums in good fashion, but RP type joking. Nothing harmful. Yaga and co. were not joking about it. That’s what got me queuing with Mistwidget, couldn’t let the little fella have all the fun. Both sides are guilty of what transformed after.

The war between the bg forums and hydra started over mistwidget.

Hydra started when yaga took players from IC3 and started sending open invites again. IC3 had gone to a locked teamspeak

Alliance premades have rolled SAS when they’ve had said “big pumpers” in games. They aren’t big pumpers when they’re being shut down in team fights. Not that hard for coordinated teams to switch to any threatening dps, grip them and murder them before their healers can react.

What does SAS stand for?

No. Hydra roughed up Mistwidget. Forums wasn’t happy to see that.

War ensued.