A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Last community wargame was AVM/AVA/DJL vs RR/SPM and ended 26-0 in favor of RR and SPM. Long hard fought battle. Super close. Last ten minutes was insane

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Can’t be that much difference. I used to play with RR and there was quite a bit of cross-community membership with SPM and Field Army guys being in there.

So flagging is softies lol ,where did the flagging start anyways??? rofl that’s so awesome i mean what kinda group would come up with such a thing as mass flagging to start with rofl. At anyrate i came in and you were already flagged up for trolling…i suspect. It seems others are just taking from the bleating play book.




you get you own self into trouble alone i no report anything if anything it is you and your community that fake report anything anyone says about you or your community pot meet kettle please sir sit down now


An informed observation:

Over the course of the last few months the Wargames and WPvP have not only built a solid interaction between communities, the have continued to ostracize the guacamole disbander and it’s degenerate constituents. They’ve been reduced to GY farming pugs and playing against pugs for 14 - 18 hours a day and have had to employ distasteful metrics in an effort to even see any premade communities to play. In a plea for attention and a sign of desperation they’ve sent one of their slowest to the forums to bring cannon fodder and banter. Everyone knows… we all laugh together…

(Laughs in DK)

This is mostly satire but, wouldn’t it be kinda funny if it was true? I mean just imagine a community filled with rated and some glad level players…farming pugs for hours on end XD


why are you alliance? come transfer to horde we need the bestvand bring your community, alliance pugs are stronger than horde pugs and you are boasting your pug stomping skill, dont say merc is not same, fully cmmit to the one horde. then you see.

or you scared and hide with all alliance gladiator

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just FYI, cyberbullying is not only against the forum CoC, its not only against the game TOS, but it is illegal under California law. and given that you have a “neutral discord” you setup to admittedly make fun of and mass report one specific individual, you are right on the line if not a little over.

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I understand why you are the way you are lol


yeah, no you don’t. but back to the point at hand, you can’t organize a community around ostracizing an individual.

since we just farm pugs, youre not safe tonight g.

oh no you guys are going to merc mode tonight because no other premades will want to vs you yet again . Which is prob why you only q once in a blue moon . Was beginning to think BSG disbanded or got destroyed or died out because no one ever sees you guys anymore pugs see more beary premades then actual bsg lol . Until you lil troopers showed up on forums like lil nats that wont stop . It is ok other premades that horde q are doing fine all week no one even notices when you do q because you guys hide all week and try so hard to q sync into RR or SPM for one day it is truly hilarious . So i think most pugs are and have been very safe from you .


Just for the comedic zing, ya know? Cheers!


look how quick they started mass reporting posts …everyone get to forums we have people telling truths about us again…hurry


I have someone who saw the goat art post offer to build me a website to share that stuff so all can see. in other goat related news there is a poll going i guess to name the poor goat. He has his own Bleat bleat we are not your treat organization and i guess an action committee now. Soon he will be more famous than all my characters…maybe even more famous than leeroy jenkins


:face_holding_back_tears: im famous

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it is the only acknowledgment youll ever get so cherish it girl

look how much "softies "they are in plums own words kek


I mean it’s one thing to see someone do it and follow their lead it’s a whole other ballgame to come up with it to begin with…that takes a whole other level . This is why so many are glad they have just went away and pooled themselves in one group. The overall effect of having those with such toxic behavior gone from one spot or another through all the other communities has made such a dramatic improvement in pretty much everything. The game is more enjoyable for pretty much everyone involved. They get to feel good about themselves beating on pugs and gy camping and we don’t have to deal with it in our ranks. It was such a huge difference in the level of fun in the communities …night and day .


now we can go back to the original problem where the horde need help everyone play alliance fotm and then boast about beating alliance communities why they dont come horde for a good time? test of strength

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