A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

loud incorrect buzzer

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Or maybe more like when you go to the restroom when out doing things and someone did a rather foul #2 and you just nope and say I’ll go later. That smelly kind of disgust and disdain. nods And goats poo everywhere all of the time too…


Let me get this straight one more time for i think people still dont get it.

Let us do simple math:

–BSG decimates SPM game after game.
– AVM+DJL cant beat SPM

That is two horde communities combined that cant beat a team (SPM) that we mop the floor with.

Come on, it is just basic math guys.

Horde has nothing to offer us, so whether it be pugs or horde comms, theyre all the same #2 from the water closet.


i do not know what is more cringe the fact that you come to forums with a massive ego trip to brag about stomping pugs daily or the fact that your massive ego trip by talking smack about the only premade that will ever try to fight you or care to fight you since no one wants anything to do with any of you . Stop bringing up AVM and DJL they are irrelevant to your topic of you guys vs spm. You have some weird obession with these other communities since they made the you cant sit with us club and i think BSGs ego can not take it well. Everyone that dislikes BSG is living rent free perma in BSGs heads daily .


Figure 1: AVM beating SPM in a wargame


i aint reading allat.


Also when you only post wins, things tend to look good for you.

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I mean that kid in the cart was really screaming his face all red just screaming …I’ve never seen a child scream so much and so loud before…well almost never. The three of us just carried on with our conversation …i don’t think i actually noticed the child while we were talking come to think of it. I never did think about asking what the child was screaming about…probably some toy or something mundane if i had to guess…it was pretty irrelevant i guess as children scream about anything really…I think when he realized he wasn’t the center of the universe it just blew his little mind so he screamed even louder.

(to the person who has to read these erroneously flagged posts… It’s me again so anyways it’s Christmas Eve…hopfully you got some family stuff going on or friends to get together with. If not i’d suggest a good binge on some series…it’s what i would do if alone for the day…Anyways Merry Christmas hopefully the new year will bring you less erroneously flagged posts huh…i bet it’s actually getting old by now)


It’s also SPM + RR. Your point?

That is definitely not anyone beating SPM in a wargame.

That’s a community wargame where the alliance team is entirely RR except a small handful of spots SPM filled.

SPM would love to wargame AVM 30v30 in AV.


zzzz… * wha…? who farted?? oh, never mind… mmm

It is ok its cool it is beyond your IQ cap anyway


you don’t make your sentences easy to comprehend so maybe its my fault ig, punctuation isn’t used much in your household.

It’s “it’s” since you’re talking punctuation… also missing several other marks, but hey, I understand what you’re saying, and isn’t that the point?

Happy holidays all! Making chocolate chip cookies as I type. Except I messed up and used mini-morsels. Too many options on the shelves…




LOL this is SO SILLY

LIKE ouch clean up on aisle 6 please the spill of rekt and oof is massive


So 3 communities on a sweaty match (AVM+DJL+AVA) vs RR (as per mizriz) that’s wayyyy worse than SPM.

Thats even worse, 3 vs 1 that’s barely won lol. Yeah horde has nothing to offer BSG for sure.

SPM is way better than RR.

PS: I have used my ice blocks more against pugs than horde comms.

I wonder if you will FOTM chase back to Horde whenever they become the preferred PvP faction as fast as you did to Alliance.


I seem to remember a lot of tough talk in the SAS channel about how you specifically queue to get placed against AVM members…

But I guess this will get revised away with the rest of the happenings.


i mean you guys are the ones who come to brag on forums about your lil community the most. We are the ones living rent free in your heads daily ez gg next .