A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

What does this mean? This is presumably your main and I know as little about you as I know about him. Is this some weird complex where low skill premaders have their entire identity tied to their “main” wow character? Help me understand why you clowns have such an irrational fear of alt accounts posting truths.

Edit: He didn’t answer my question, cowardice my g


This makes me wonder what other sketchy stuff y’all do and then call it “espionage.”

Do your leaders look the other way when you bring information you shouldn’t have? Or do they approve?



Says the very very brave guy trying to sneak into discords so he can commit “espionage”. Lol.


That’s all that’s left, no one want to play with ya. So have fun farming pugs in the gy. :wink:


Imagine having a team of 60-80 people queing and only taking large 20+ pops only to farm pugs in a gy every other hour. Now thats bleeding edge level content right there lol


Clearly by the shenanigans that have transpired thus far, they approve.


legend24 was just in there to see the weird stuff hk posts, got bored of it though so thank you for never letting me back in there

You guys are funny

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They should get a long vacation for all these false flags.


Blizz don’t care unless it all comes from the same IP


Is there an appeals process for these phony flags? Because my post was removed by blizzard. I call out someone’s bad behavior, spying on other community’s discords, and renaming their characters to mock others. And I’m the one in violation of TOS? that’s funny.


It’s because Blizzard has worded the ToS in such a way as to wash their hands of any responsibility.

It is the player base who decides what is ‘Bad Behavior’.

Blizzard wants to be a parent who is your friend. Rather than setting down clearly defined rules.

Ooooh, I’d love to hear (and see) more of this comic!


'Tis funny.


Callouts are against rules but Discord crap is not since Blizz has nothing to do with that.

But really all it is, is your post got flagged and someone else’s did not. You can break rules all you want but unless the community flags it…no one at Blizz notices nor cares.

Thanks Snow. I did not call out anyone specifically, although I’m sure my message was received. Nothing in my deleted post was bannable, hence why I’m still here. Wrong is wrong. Secretly spying on other communities isn’t adult behavior. And renaming characters with the intent to make fun of others should not acceptable. If BSG is fine with their members behaving in this way, that is on them.


Neither is forum drama, yet here we are.:wink:

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Espionage… omg


You’re very lucky. I actually do have a recording of that game, as I was streaming.

Yeah I have footage. Should’ve asked me earlier lol. 11 days later.

I think Inemia left that game because it was getting late. That’s what she told me at least.

Anyway, here’s the game, I guess you can make your own judgements:


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Finally got internet back up here still no power…what did i miss? Oh you all haven’t seen the good comics then because those we share amongst ourselves. Anyways the actual comic series i haven’t staryed yet as all i havent found the right base model for a goat yet to go with the latest addition of charachters that are more cartoonish like the frozen movie. All i have for a goat is some weird little standalone model. Ive just been making little renders here n there until then…bleat bleat.

Espionage lol does that still actually happen…i mean what is being hidden everyone pretty much calls it what it is out in the open nowadays. Most of us refuse to play with people who are exhibit toxic behaviors and have toxic game styles. This is why we have all been having a much better time and getting along even cross faction. There the secret is out…i declassified it. Commence the false flagging .

(To the person who has to read these flagged posts they keep eroneously flagging left and right Merry Christmas! )

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