A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

You have a leader that disbanded a community of 800+ overnight, has degraded others and is toxic beyond belief…and lets not forget a complete hypocrite. :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :clown_face: if you’re even associated with this person…you’re goin to be labeled. choose better friends. unless all you care about are wins? then cool i guess


I’ve been in a few battlegrounds with the player in that screenshot. They spent the whole BG heckling, and claimed to be a leader for Hydra. I didn’t even know Hydra is even active anymore.

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thats prob bcuz they are z

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Their members are secretly infiltrating other groups.


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this didnt happen zzzzz

didnt take long for that guy to give himself a 1 week vacation again did it LOL, unbanned on the forums for 4 hours just to go back

Premature to assume anyone who gets flagged will be banned.

So many people on these forums use the flag button as the dislike button and thats not what its for.

I’ve seen the most milk toast posts ever get flagged it doesn’t mean anything.


they aren’t and neither is spm. they’re both just names that leech off other communities.

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I outhealed their GM in a heroic raid so very z :speak_no_evil:

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Lmao??? SPM here hi.

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Lmao BSG got mad we didn’t fall for their low iq attempt at a rigged war game so now they’re mass reporting posts that bad mouth them. Ok kiddos we see you lmao.


oh ive outdpsed z many times on my horde dk in the past z is well z LOL

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More like zzzzz

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this is what i say to you guys who fasley report me constantly because she tells you to :stuck_out_tongue:

see what i mean there she goes proving my point, like honestly all this is hilarious tbh like keep false flagging me n see how it turns out for you . :sob: :skull: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_tea:


this is so true LOL, more liek they will ban themselves for all the false flagging so liek be my guest have at it .

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send it man.

i havent reported anything, only time ive used the report system was on a 2k evoker bot in solo shuffle, i wouldnt doubt they are though.

sure thing hun

interesting :dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :eyes:

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