A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

I hear you homie. Respekt is earned not bought. But I think this is a horrible strat. Ghost and bloat would be far better served if you had them managing the west tower defense.

There are plenty of Druids in this thread that would qualify for your team and would probably make great leaders if you need a raid leader. The first one that comes to mind is Aredea, the Druid that doesn’t know how to answer my complex math question but he has a solid PvP record because he is a druid.

You need to recruit and get solid leaders so you can change into a good strat. I am willing to help you Tortoise.

Just keep talking to me. I’m lonely. We can change the subject. What do you want to talk about? Oh, I complimented you just now in the post above. Read.

You guys are talking about jumping between the towers in Horde AV base? I can hop between then as shaman with gust of wind. One time I dragged a lot of alliance into one of the towers then gust over to the other tower to steal it back because they ghosted it. I believe you can do the top level to top level jump but you have to do an almost perfect jump.

Can also get a surprise thunderstorm on people doing that because they become lax sitting around waiting.

I didn’t give you my strat spacegoat. Nor have you faced me yet, so you can’t quite critique it can you? I don’t need druids to lead either. My strats work just fine.

Your pride will be your downfall Tortoise. I am an incredibly smart person with a very high IQ. Your strat is questionable at best and will not be good for the longitude of your premade.

Ignore Druids and my strat at your own peril but don’t come whining to me here when you get t-bagged by a druid. Will you at least let me tell you another plan that I think you would like?

I’m not ignoring any offered strat, I’m saying I don’t rely on stacking one specific class. If you need that crutch, go for it. :wink:

I honestly don’t believe you. You are telling me that you refuse the help of the most OP class in the freaking game? You disappoint me Tortoise. Part of being a leader is having the nuts to take risks. Will you at least agree with me that Druids are key here? If not, I won’t try to convince you but I am going to offer another strat in the interest in cultivating community and helping you out.

You people are pathetic. Have to grief random BGs to have any sort of chance of winning anything.

Whatever, enjoy your ban for exploiting. Pre-mading AVs has been against the ToS for a decade at this point.


Is it white man?

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All wins for the Militia tonight. Glory for Ivus

Oh I have huge ones. Druids are nice but they aren’t mandatory. We do just fine in AV and make do with whatever our raid makeup is for that match.

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And our xmogs were fabulous

Lol. No one is getting banned.


Okay okay. Let’s introduce some sound logic into this discussion. Again, -high IQ and think outside the circle.

  1. you can’t just say you have huge nuts. That, like respekt is earned through plays that require nuts.

  2. say that to a Druid’s face and he will rip @ss.

You need to take advantage of the bug in AV that has been around since vanilla. Druids gain extra crit when it snows in AV. It’s rare but it does happen. But what many people don’t know is that this bug also occurs around bodies of water and lasts 1 minute after exposure. Exhibit A - your waterfall. Use this to your advantage Tortoise. If you look closely, there are puddles around the map that can be taken advantage of.

Stormpike Militia is not recruiting.

What a jack@ss response. Where is your compassion? You make me sick Miz. This world needs leaders, not tyrants like you. Stormpike should be open to every idiot who wants to play this wretched map. I hope your hut gets blown down.

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You probably should be since you only have 4 level 70s.

Back in my day there was no communities tab

Would you like to buy some of my bolo ties??

I don’t know…I don’t know what a bolo tie is.