A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Genius at work

Warlock doors can be placed on the middle level, allowing ease of access between towers. Bring two locks for cross-portal-fun! (they might be placed on the top level too, idk, its been a while)

Monks can make the roll, Demon Hunters make the glide, Warriors can jump, Rogues can grappling hook… I’ll add any more if I can think of any.

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Hmmm. That won’t do. It needs to be the top level. But not at the front of the tower. It has to be 10 yards to the right of the entrance.

Back in my day we had to cross the snowy patch barefoot and actually walk up the stairs.


The legendary Softhoof once proved there was a back way into FW keep over some convoluted waterfall path that took him a half hour to traverse. Idk if that’s helpful krienn

Y’all can work with me here because I’m humble. Here is the plan:

  1. keep West AT ALL COSTS except Druid death.
  2. let East burn.
  3. stack east with non Druids except 1 dps Druid
  4. keep Druids stealthed in west.
  5. keep 1 Druid tank on ground between towers to kill morons who want to pass. He will also take care of gy
  6. let Alliance attack west.
  7. wait 17 seconds
  8. attack - Druids un stealth and rip @ss, other team jumps across to West. This creates a death machine
  9. if overwhelmed, warlock ports alliance into Drek where you have 3 Druid healers and 2 Druid dps waiting. This is another killing machine.
  10. win

I am still flatulating this plan so I will update it.

Have you guys faced any Horde premades yet, or still no luck?

We have but not in the last week that we know of

That right there is the most difficult part about doing Alliance BGs. I’ve faction changed my druid back and forth so many times I just made another druid. I dread doing my daily BG win on my Alliance druid, even wins are typically frustrating. But I can do BGs all day on my Horde druid, even if we lose, and have a pretty good time.

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They must have gotten scared when you threatened to unleash the beast of AV.

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Nah they keep trying to queue snipe Ruthlessbro or Ruin.

The person you’re quoting used to be part of organizations that could never get along and were always doing all of the petty, childish things they say the Alliance do.

Nope. We don’t queue snipe anyone. We queue when we q, we don’t give a crap about anybody else. We don’t afk out even when we’re losing.

Don’t give the enemy strats. :wink:

Yes, there are ways to get to the other tower very quickly for any class. It does indeed have a cd though.

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I will take that as a compliment. I don’t need to stack druids, I have good rogues and one really good boomy who know what their jobs are and do it extremely well. Me, Ghost, and Oat are often back in the base flushing out those pesky varmint druids. We prefer not to lose any towers and will summon the ice lord at the end as a flex even if it’s just to induce terror in the enemy. We never drop bgs. Respect is earned, most get it from me until they start running their mouths or whining. Then we unleash Goolsby on them.

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Queue sniping is almost impossible as a premade vs premade unfortunately. As any premade leader already knows

This is probably it tbh

Against my better judgment … Hi, everyone! :::waving:::

The issue of respect is important to us. Yes, have fun, pound, kill, hurt, shame, put flags in butts, shtpost in the shtpost area, blah, blah, blah. But while we develop love/hate association with names and skills we recognize, only the berserkers can afford to be mean, because #berserker. We’re otherwise usually a half-raid and need to get others to work “as one,” and Anduin didn’t have random people showing up and moaning at him (in a bad way) before he even left Stormwind.

But seriously, what’s up with the lag? I think it’s people dropping toys to create it. Or it’s all the people stacking hunters/locks with pets. I mean, I get that it helps people feel in control of their lives to do that, but it’s not fun, and it’s not fair to the pets. Or the misfit toys. (Except Dolly – why was she even on the Island?!)

OK, game on. See yall soon!

Why is that?

If 6+ Alliance groups and 6+ Horde groups sync their queues, surely most of them get matched against each other. The system supposedly prioritizes matching groups.

you are really still going? geez you need to get off the internet for a bit XD maybe go shower?

Just answer my question please and I’ll leave you alone. Maybe:

1 + 1 = …

why would I indulge your childish crap? I just kind of feel sorry for you

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