A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Hmm… Sounds kinda like a multi-tentacled premade from the past.


So do pugs, especially when they’re called out in the premade’s voice chat.

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That’s the best thing, when a scrub like me becomes a threat. I had half a dozen chasing me at the end of a 61-69 WG yesterday, I killed one of their demolishers in a raid to their core and I had an escape plan but forgot to switch my trinkets or I think I would have made it. I almost did anyway but got stunned without an escape right before I could los and regroup. I’m terrible and I still warranted 6 of them, I can see why they need to group like that.

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all I see you saying is you are trash and need to exploit to win and yes if you are in more then a 5 man it’s exploiting XD critical thinking you say but yet lack it yourself haha

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think this kid is just trolling but idk he seems really brainless so prob needs his whole guild to help him pvp because he can’t win anything on his own

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We’ll see what Magdalum thinks.


Okay this was a good one.

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Leave me out of this. I think all of you are nuts.



Says the person who plays a Druid

Then why do you keep responding to me?

That was before. I’ve evolved

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I solo queue pretty much exclusively so I understand the frustration and can sympathize that some people do need help. I’m always arguing that we need a better path for players like that but you have to see it’s not healthy for the game and the game seems in trouble already.

what does my class have to do with anything? I don’t only play druid XD

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Since you conveniently ignored my question:

How are they exploiting?

Yeah we’ve seen Corpse Corps afk out of bgs.

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I laughed for real at this one. Now that’s a saver. The biggest problem with premade Discords. You have to mute these folks so you can even hear your own game. But you can see they’re still keying their mics non-stop about whatever is crossing their mind, usually nothing to do with the match in play. And if they find out you have them muted they raise a stink.

We don’t afk out, nope. The other big Horde community does if they think it’s a loss, not us. We fight to the end, even if we lose.

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Last time we fought any of your people they lost the first team fight and dipped.

Was I there? If I was there, there’s no afking out of a match. If your full 40 fought 3 ppl that’s different and not us playing as a team. Sometimes when we solo q ppl think it’s a premade when we aren’t. Sometimes we run into our members that didn’t even q up with us. Again for the record, out loud: DJL does not afk out.

If you mean SAS, no they don’t. idk any other premade horde side. Forgot about WGE, but they don’t leave either.