A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

You can’t be serious. You don’t see it?

  1. premade build their strategy by fighting pugs and getting wins. If we weren’t fighting pugs, we would lose more and people would leave our group. We play to win. Not to lose.

  2. we would loose more.

  3. trying to find a premade to play against would take too much time and we would be waiting for a long time. This would also kill the premade.

  4. say blizzard put in a premade vs premade system. Okay fine. The low queue times and the lower win rate would encourage premade to not use that queue and circumscroll that system by queueing into pugs in the normal system we have to this date. We are back to triangle one and you have done nothing. NOTHING.

  5. it’s harder to graveyard farm a premade than it is pugs which is honestly the main reason to premade. Bloodthirsty to your face NO CAP.

How can you not see this duh?

I think you were. I was going to say I like your posts. Take that as a compliment. I don’t know why people aren’t honest on these forums. Embrace it WorldPvP. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about it.

You literally talk to yourself with your own alts…

Very fun thread.

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Ya there was. There was a split in the community along with a few different groups queing into them. A group of Hydra that was a lot more experienced in the organization of AV decided to wargame each other weekly to practice fighting other premades.

The lobby we used was open to all of Hydra but a few people actually got mad that we called it Hydra Prime instead of just joining the game. They didn’t show up to practice and got mad they didn’t get picked for the organized wargames. 6 or so of the Hydra leadership collectively lost their minds when they didn’t get picked for the wargame against Alliance Vanguard. Things got said and rivalries formed.

Some of the people that didn’t get picked were good but it came down to comp and how that meshed with the strat, and most of them still played with us after. A lot were hot garbage that were overly toxic mic spammers and prevented anyone from communicating properly. It was a good choice as AV were one of the best pvp guilds at the time. Timing and communication were extremely important in the strategy and it would have literally been impossible to execute with them there.

The wargame team Hydra Prime turned into Prime Premades. Like 20 other Hydra randoms came over and qued with us on and off after we split. During this time SMP was queing against Hydra and regularly destroying them with less than half their numbers, forcing them to try and avoid us in IOC. (It didn’t work)

We ran 2 rogue teams in Ashran that were graveyard and corpse camping their ashran unholy dk lead yogurtmouth or yogamoth or something, for weeks until he rage quit to go play destiny. His highest death count was around 40 one game. Was literally just zeela and 10 other people dead at shgy after.

Had nothing to do with the que times. Trinkets, really?


Tell us more about circumventing the 5 man restriction to steamroll pugs.


wow never seen such a narcist in a while XD simply answer how is it fair that premade’s get to stomp randoms but unfair that they would have to fight others on equal footing XD wtf all you are simply saying is you suck so bad you can’t play fair and need a huge advantage to win XD

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oh hey there!

Your reasoning is so off. How can you not understand my simple words? It is obvious. We are very good players but it will make us lose more and we will lose players because of it. How is that not reasonable?

Plus farming pugs is literally the most fun things to do in this game. Stop calling me names you idiot.

  1. Keep deflecting. I give you a compliment about how I like your posts and you respond with hatred. Why are you so hateful? At least I am a nice person.

  2. Where is your humanity?

my reasoning isn’t off yours is XD if you want to exploit to win go play a single player game XD don’t ruin gaming for other people just because you can’t win on your own smh

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save av valley from derek frostwolf


How are they exploiting?

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Rest assured alliance citizen. Stormpike Militia will work tirelessly to see the morally bankrupt frostwolves cast into the charnel pits

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Bless your heart. Your reasoning is totally off. I really wish they taught critical thought in schools. I am not exploiting anything. All I’m doing is taking advantage of a system that is already there. This is PvP. Someone wins and someone loses. I like to win so I increase my chances by increasing my odds. I live by two rules:

  1. farm pugs in gy for hours because it’s fun
  2. stack druids. HARD.
  3. increase chance of me winning

I think this is very easy to understand so smh right back at you.

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Reasoning is that some of us play for the competition and a stacked team vs random is the antithesis of that. Seems weird the bug has existed since I started, that hasn’t changed and neither have the justifications but, in the end, someone else would exploit and people will still leave because they get tired of dealing with a broken queue system.

Deaths are meaningless when you just res, maybe the pve people get upset over their characters dying but I pvp for the fights and farming randoms isn’t fighting them. You gain nothing tangible from it I can see compared to learning to play your character but I understand the culture ratings for gear caused since I left in SLands. But it’s like saying why try to find a mate when I can do it myself.

Not saying this to flame you, just trying to explain why people don’t look upon such activity with much respect for the achievement.


I wouldn’t call it a bug. It’s just queuing together and the smaller the playerbase, the easier to get queues together. I will say premade vs premade is the most fun but yea it’s hard to come by those these days. There are wargames but seems a lot of people aren’t interested possibly because you don’t get any honor or conquest, or even hks doing those.


I think people should look upon premade vs pugs with respect. There is a lot of skill in premades. We need to organize our group, we need to make play calls, we need to manage the pugs in our group, and we run a community of fun.

All pugs have to do is queue up and play. I do feel a little bad for them because they can’t experience the joy of farming the gy for an hour.

We also play at a very high level of competition. Probably the highest in the game. We need to know how to play our characters while making calls. We also need to be able to fight multiple people at once.

Recipe for success:

  1. stack Druids
  2. always have one more healer than the other team
  3. stack healers and tanks
  4. win

Just to clarify, I mean > 5 people. It cannibalizes a dying system, perhaps it’s a mercy it hastens its demise.

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I knew what you meant. I was talking more than 5 also. It’s just groups queuing at the same time.

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