A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

someone needs to make a guild named after that

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This is how I remember it.

Nice to see you back buddy. I thought you quit wow forever.


Why do you keep posting on multiple characters?

It’s pretty amazing the amount of people that get caught talking to themselves on alts and try to play it off. Talk about a mental health crisis.


I think I’m bored and as my dear friend and colleague Akatsuki just pointed out, I’m definitely mentally unstable. Were you on the community council at one point WPvP?

How does one sign up for this?

You don’t find them.

They find you. :scream:

But why would you run with them?

Are you going undercover too?

well horde premade’s run rampant and people make excuses for it all the time so why not fight back against them?

IMO, you’re more likely to go against Horde pugs than Horde premade raids.


then blizzard needs to fix it premade’s should be fighting other premade’s simple as that

Then it wouldn’t be fair

There’s so many communities running in pvp these days that it’s hard to notice who is a premade and who isn’t outside of seeing familiar names.

So you think it’s more likely that they’re facing other premade raids?

Still can’t get over that. Communities :face_in_clouds::sneezing_face::face_in_clouds:

Don’t know. I feel like most games I play are pug v pug. If it’s against premades the only ones that are a challenge are the ones against SAS.

We should get a screenie together sometime enfers. So you can get some of that good community feel

how would that not be fair?

Stormpike Militia could always use another Druid.

i play paladin and priest as well

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