<A> Volatile Fri/Sat Raid Recruiting for TWW S1 and on

Holidays for two weeks but we are still looking for more!

Still looking for DPS, especially warrior/mage

Looking for monk/mage and more!

I see a monk! Get hiiiiim!! :running_man:

The search continues!

Lookin’ for them DEEPS

Let’s find more consistent raiders!

need moar dps! :sunglasses:

Still looking for more consistent dedicated dps!

looking for mage, we are :nerd_face:

Looking for all except for paladins and druids!

Still searching for more!

just need a few more. we have cake :birthday:

Looking for more people to have fun with!

Hi. I tried to add those discord names can’t seem to get them working. I’m interested in maybe getting back into raiding. Can I talk to one of you guys. Chearthquake#9472.

Last poster, just proof I have a 60

Hey! Those aren’t discord tags those are bnet tags.

Come join us. We have multiple events per month outside of raiding. I will pay 5g per INT buff

Birdbox knows what’s up.

Guardian at 16% will he die?