<A> Volatile Fri/Sat Raid Recruiting for TWW S1 and on

Taking a break and coming back strong come join us!

I Could be interested in the tanking role the raiding times are perfect for me

Looking for more dps!

Always need moar

Yup always looking for more dps. Probably not hunters :thinking: but all else!

anyone still out there?? :face_with_monocle:

Looking for dps! Any dps out there?

Patch soon!!! I can feel it :nerd_face:

Still looking for more dps!


Disc Priest with 6/10 Mythic Nathria experience looking for prog or farm group to kill any or all of the last four bosses

Deadlift#4338 on discord

Still looking. Darenas I do not think we will be killing the last 4 there is a lot of burn out.

I hear the Mythic Council of Blood calling… :hear_with_hearing_aid:

Recruiting for 9.1!

is 9.1 here yet? is it here yet? :roll_eyes:

Updates! Still recruiting!

still have dps spots!

Still looking for DPS!

ready or not! the Chains of Domination will come! :partying_face:

Let’s kill some new bosses with new friends!

still loooooking…