<A> Volatile Fri/Sat Raid Recruiting for TWW S1 and on

Looking for more dps to round out our roster!

yet another day of looking… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Another week of searching for more dps

Still on the hunt

Searching for more consistent members to join us in mythic prog!

bumping for the deeps

Looking for more people!

bumping for dps

Still looking for dps!

more dps still!

Still recruiting come join horde or alliance!

come join! and be one of us… one of us… one of us! :disguised_face:

Still looking for more for forgotten exp!

Going on 4th boss, les go!

Continuing the search for more dps!

bumping for dps

raid tomorrow, need more!

Raid today! Looking for more people!

If you’re still looking for people, I’d be interested. You can poke on Bnet Kaltheros#1271

Still looking for members!