<A> Volatile Fri/Sat Raid Recruiting for TWW S1 and on

so… post 501 then? :thinking:

Still looking for more members!

still need more dps! moar dots!

Spider goes down this week, i can feel it. Looking for more dps to join

Spider ded kurog next!

still looking for more!

Kurog you are next!

new raid soooon! :partying_face:

Still searching for more!

4 moar weeks!

Still searching for more members! Need DPS!!!

raid night! join us!

Still recruiting more people!

I am currently looking for a guild that raid during weekends. Are you guys looking for a pally (holy/ret/prot) or a druid (boomie)?

Hi we potentially have room for a boomie.

need more range! :nerd_face:

The search continues! We are still looking for more people.

Looking for more. New season is soon!

need a few more…

you guys looking for a tank?